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Classroom Introduction

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1 Classroom Introduction
Internet Writing Classroom Introduction Prof. Aaron Jones

2 Class Objectives By the end of the course, students will have:
compared and contrasted different styles of online communication, researched the impact and uses of different writing styles, demonstrated understanding of how to use English appropriately in an online environment, and create online content in a professional and accurate manner in English.

3 The Class Rules Come to class! Don’t be late!
Use English most of the time. You can use Korean to help others. All work must be your own. DON’T PLAGARIZE! Copying other’s work, cheating, not citing sources will receive an F You can use your cell phone in class, just not for Kakao! Participate – this is one of your grades. Sleeping is not participating. Most importantly, have fun!

4 No Textbook! We will not use a textbook in this class. Instead, I will provide the content and course materials in class.

5 Grading and Evaluation
Midterm exam 30% Final exam           30% Attendance % Participation/Homework/ Classwork                     15% Total                               100% Grading is done on a curve. The top 40% of students can get an A/A+ 30% only can get B/B+ The remaining 30% will be awarded C grade or lower.

6 Class Participation and Attendance
Classroom Participation means that you are always here for class When working with others, be respectful Try your best in class Assignments must be turned in on time Don’t be afraid to make mistakes! Classroom Attendance If you miss four classes without an excuse (i.e. doctor’s note), you fail the class. If you are 10 minutes late, you will be marked as tardy If you are 30 minutes late, you will be marked as absent

7 Resources and Class Website
Visit this website to get class materials

8 Make English Work for You!
Have Fun and Enjoy! Make English Work for You! Don’t Work for English!

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