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Pre-operative consideration and Selection of Microsurgical Vessels

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Presentation on theme: "Pre-operative consideration and Selection of Microsurgical Vessels"— Presentation transcript:

1 Pre-operative consideration and Selection of Microsurgical Vessels
徐 立 群 Liqun Xu(MD,DDS) Dept. of Oral & Maxillofacial – Head & Neck Oncology Shanghai Ninth People’s Hospital, Shanghai (200011) China

2 Common Choice of Artery of Recipient Site
External Carotid Superficial Temporal Facial… Tongue Sup.thyroid Thyrocervical trunk Transverse cervical Inferior thyroid Sup.scapular

3 Choice of Vein Superficial temporal External jugular
Branches of internal jugular (common facial) Thyroid Transverse cervical And for the vein usually we used the branches of internal jugular vein or sometimes we used external jugular vein for anastomosis.

4 Advanced Carcinoma of Mouth Floor with Cervical Lymph Nodes Metastases
Here showed us a rare case with combination of three flaps to repair the huge defect in lower face and neck. Lesions in floor of mouth, mental and cervical region

5 Incision design Composite defects after oncological ablation
Incision designed, and raw surface of defects. Composite defects after oncological ablation Incision design

6 ① ② ③ Latissimus dorsi myocutaneous flap Fibular flap
A total of three flaps was applied for this patient. ① Pectoralis major myocutaneous flap Latissimus dorsi myocutaneous flap Fibular flap

7 Raw surface during surgery with three different free flaps
Latissimus Dorsi Flap Fibula Flap Pectoralis Major Flap Raw surface during surgery with three different free flaps

8 Postoperative Appearance
(2 years later) This patient survived 2 years.

9 Difficult (recurrence/radiated) Cases
Choice of Vessels in Difficult (recurrence/radiated) Cases Order Transverse cervical Contralateral vessel Pedicle of last flap Cephalic vein (upper arm) Internal thoracic artery Long vascular pedicle (pedicled LDMF)

10 M48,Gingival SCC,radical ND / radiation




14 Pre-operative consideration -- local condition
Donor site examination Receipt site examination

15 ALLEN’S Test


17 Pre-operative Health ——influences final results
Systemic disease (diabetes) Peripheral vascular disease Malnutrition Smoking Obesity

18 Thanks

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