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Welcome back to the classroom!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome back to the classroom!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome back to the classroom!
Please take out your tan packet and something to write with! (you don’t need to write down today’s learning target) Learning Target: Evaluate sources and troubleshoot research issues 2/11/14 “Fast is fine, but accuracy is everything.”~Wyatt Earp

2 Agenda 2/11/14 Plan for the week Update calendar… Bellwork
Gathering sources/troubleshooting works cited Homework: Check #1 is now Check #2 Friday in Lab 503 We’re in Lab 503 for the rest of the week! I’m here after school Thursday in Lab 200 for extra help- please come if you need help!!

3 Calendar Updates Good news, you get some delays on due dates!
Notes Check #1 CANCELED Notes Check #2 Friday in Lab 503 (Notes Check #3 will still be 2/21- you got an extra lab day!) Next assignment to think about-Works Consulted For NEXT Tuesday, 2/18, bring your draft works consulted (just copy and paste all your notes page sources over to a Word document). We’ll be editing these IN CLASS Tuesday, so on time credit is printed out when you arrive! The final Works Consulted will be turned in and checked for accuracy on Feb. 21st when you do your final notes check

4 Bellwork 2/10/14 EVERYBODY be ready to share about what you’re learning so far with the class!  What is your narrowed-down topic? (Don’t just say “sports”- but what about sports?) What is the coolest/most interesting thing you’ve learned so far about your topic? What info do you feel like you still need to gather to answer your questions? What (if any) questions do you have about the process/next steps going forward?

5 Little stumped for good sources?
Check out Google Books and Google Scholar

6 Google Books

7 How to use it &printsec=frontcover&dq=music+and+the+brain& hl=en&sa=X&ei=bM73UvTPO8z0oASC0YKYDQ&v ed=0CCsQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=music%20an d%20the%20brain&f=false

8 Google Scholar Not for those in a rush, but great for those of you not finding “official” enough sources


10 When possible, choose the pdf sources from Google Scholar

11 Or, search for the article if you hit a “paywall”
Copy and paste the whole title into “regular” Google (but use “ “ for increased accuracy!) Doh! _10# “Regular Google” “Neurobiologic Functions of Rhythm, Time, and Pulse in Music” Yea!

12 But now that you have them, how do you cite them?
It’s not really a website, but it’s not really a print journal…it’s a pebsiteal!  Use the original source info to cite it like a journal or actual book- THEN finish it up with the “website- y” info found on the bottom of the free website page in the yellow book es/2013/09/formatdocguide13_14_2.pdf

13 Any questions? I’m available after school Thursday this week in the 200 lab! Please come if you’re feeling confused/stumped/frustrated!

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