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The Individual Project

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1 The Individual Project

2 Let recap 50% of your final grade- so it is important.
MUST be produced suing IT. Deadline is:

3 The purpose The purpose of the Individual Project is to develop learners’ skills, through carrying out a research activity with an emphasis on future educational or career aspirations. During the Individual Project learners will explicitly develop skills in Literacy, Numeracy, Digital Literacy, Planning and Organisation, Critical Thinking and Problem Solving and apply them in an appropriate manner. Taken from spec

4 Basic guidelines The Individual Project must be produced and presented either as: A written account (3,000 – 5,000 words in length) An artefact/product supported by written evidence (1,500 – 3,000 words). The project should explore a subject with an emphasis on future educational or career aspirations.

5 The Title

6 What is already out there?
Some universities have produced briefs to help you identify areas for your Individual Project. Briefs are currently being produced by universities and will be uploaded to the challenge bank shortly.

7 Prifysgol Aberystwyth University: Department of psychology
Take control of own Health Many different forms of health promotion attempt to encourage the general population to follow healthier lifestyles (warning of cigarette packets, media campaigns etc); however the effectiveness of these approaches are debatable. Consideration is required about how best to encourage the general population to take control of their own health outcomes. Example taken from the Department of Psychology

8 What titles could you take from the brief
Class to look at the brief and consider the titles they could come up with from this- “The move to none braded cigarette packaging has had little impact on the take up of teen smoking, empowering them to make their own decisions will”

9 What will YOU do? Linking your next destination ambitions to your Individual Project will not only ensure you are motivated to complete the Project to the best of your ability but it could also aid you if you are called for interview and in your undergrad years. Identify an area of study Visit the challenge bank to see if there are any briefs to aid you Produce a list of potential titles

10 Developing your title Talk to your tutor
Carry out basic preliminary research into your potential titles- are there any issues relating to access to information in centre? Centres need to consider a titles approvals process to aid students in completing the following lessons and directly link to their own project.

11 Aim and Objectives

12 By the end of this lesson you will have.....
Learnt the difference between an Aim and an objective Created an ‘aim’ as a whole class Written the overall ‘aim’ for your project

13 Paper Aeroplanes..... How would you turn a paper Aeroplane competition into aims and objectives? You have 2 mins..... After the two minutes you need to explain to them what they are.....don’t show them the next slide until they’ve had the two minutes!

14 Aim – What you are setting out to do Objectives – The steps you needs to take to get there.

15 Paper Aeroplanes (2) What is your aim? What are your objectives?
Now you can get making-you have 5 minutes. Make sure they have understood the slide beforehand, and have agreed aims and objectives. Aim-win the competition. Objectives, get paper, design plane, practise throwing, refine design, do competition

16 Paper Aeroplanes (3) Class competition
Did you achieve your objectives? Did you achieve your overall aim?

17 The Aim of my Project is to.....
You now need to apply your understanding of what an aim is, to create your own aim. It should be Not more the two sentences long A summary of what you hope to achieve in your investigation Should include the detail of your title. There is an exemplar on the next slide.

18 Here’s One I Made Earlier.....
Title ‘“The move to none branded cigarette packaging has had little impact on the take up of teen smoking, empowering them to make their own decisions will” Aim The aim of this investigation is to look at the impact of none branded cigarette packaging on smoking figures in teens and compare this to the impact if empowering teens to make their own decisions.

19 The Aim of my Investigation is to.....
You now need to apply your understanding of what an aim is, to create your own aim. It should be Not more the two sentences long A summary of what you hope to achieve in your investigation Should include the detail of your title. This slide is repeated so that the students can refer back to it when writing their own aim.

20 Writing your Objectives

21 Tell the person next to you the difference between and AIM and an OBJECTIVE

22 By the end of this lesson you will have.....
Created a set of objectives as a class for a fictional investigation Completed further research into your topic Written your objectives for the investigation

23 Take (an) Aim.... Title ‘North Wales- a Safe Place to Live? A Comparison between North Wales and West Mercia’ Aim The aim of this investigation is to compare North Wales with West Mercia, examining crime rates, crime prevention schemes in order to discover which is the safest place to live.

24 Title and Aim..... Title ‘“The move to none branded cigarette packaging has had little impact on the take up of teen smoking, empowering them to make their own decisions will” Aim The aim of this investigation is to look at the impact of none branded cigarette packaging on smoking figures in teens and compare this to the impact if empowering teens to make their own decisions.

25 Write the Objectives You need to come up with 5 objectives for the investigation on the previous slide ONE of them needs to be about PRIMARY information All 5 need to be rooted in FACTS. All should be SMART. These 5 objectives will be the sub-headings for the investigation Distinction Criteria : “Detailed, logical and realistic”

26 Primary Information? This is information that YOU research yourself. It can be:- Interviewing an expert about your topic Holding a focus group of 4-5 people to gather their opinions about the topic The results of a questionnaire handed out to people (minimum of 30 people-exam board rule)

27 Whole-Class Aims Write these in here, or on the board. Make sure you’re picky with them about how these are phrased-no vagueness please.

28 Possible Objectives What are the trends in teen smoking figures over the last 5 years using data from NHS Cymru. What are teens perceptions of smoking? (Primary research, Survey monkey 10 questions 50 responses year olds) Identify other methods to reduce smoking have been introduced in Wales and their impact. What is the opinion of ASH WALES relating to teen smoking uptake. What does the Ivory Coast do to have such a low smoking rate? Not all are SMART in this instance as more research needs to be done to develop them into SMART objectives: Objective 3 after research- Identify the 3 person centred campaigns currently being used in Wales and the awareness of these campaigns in teens.

29 Write your own Objectives
Remember the Criteria:- You need to come up with 5 objectives for your investigation ONE of them needs to be about PRIMARY information All 5 need to be rooted in FACTS. All should be SMART These 5 objectives will be the sub-headings for the investigation Distinction Criteria : “Detailed, logical and realistic” Use the structure on Student sheet 1 to assist

30 Hit, Miss or Maybe Each person has to read out one of their objectives. The rest of the group has to declare it a hit, miss or maybe in terms of the criteria. This is your plenary for this lesson-it can be extended into a discussion if needs be.

31 Objective? Tell the person next to you TWO of your objectives for the investigation. You are NOT allowed to log on to check what they are. Your partner will be feeding back to the class what your objectives are.

32 Critical friend You need to discuss your Title, Aims and Objectives with a critical friend. A critical friend is a person who is aware of the task and the assessment criteria who will give you constructive criticism, and who you trust. Be honest, truthful and kind in giving your feedback.

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