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WALT: identify the key characteristics of stories by Michael Morpurgo

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1 WALT: identify the key characteristics of stories by Michael Morpurgo
Monday 29th August 2016 WALT: identify the key characteristics of stories by Michael Morpurgo

2 WALT: identify the key characteristics of stories by Michael Morpurgo.
Activity 1: Let’s find out a little about who Michael Morpurgo is. Using your iPads, you have 5 minutes to find out two facts each about Morpurgo. Place these onto a Post It Note ready to share with us shortly. What did we find out? Let’s watch a video with Michael Morpurgo: What do we learn about our chosen author?

3 WALT: identify the key characteristics of stories by Michael Morpurgo..
WILF Some of you can suggest a number of MM books and discuss their content Most of you can sort and classify MM books without prompting All of you can suggest MM books that you’ve heard of and predict what might happen in Friend or Foe based on the cover of the book

4 WALT: identify the key characteristics of stories by Michael Morpurgo.
Activity 2: What Morpurgo books have we already read? On your table are a number of Morpurgo front covers- using your existing knowledge of these books or using your iPads for help, sort the books into categories. Discuss with your friends, how you might classify them. Be ready to explain why you classified them in this way.

5 WALT: identify the key characteristics of stories by Michael Morpurgo.
Activity 3: Using the front cover of Friend or Foe, where would you place this in your sorting activity? Why? Next: can we predict what might happen in the book by looking at the cover? What else might we need to know?

6 WALT: identify the key characteristics of stories by Michael Morpurgo.
Activity 4: It’s photo time! What are our favourite books and why? You will come up one at a time to tell us which book you have chosen and why it is your favourite. Then we’ll take a quick picture of you with your book for a class/central area display.

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