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Good morning!!! Take out your chart from yesterday Sit down quietly

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Presentation on theme: "Good morning!!! Take out your chart from yesterday Sit down quietly"— Presentation transcript:

1 Good morning!!! Take out your chart from yesterday Sit down quietly
Thanks 

2 Abnormal Psychology ANXIETY DISORDERS

3 Perspectives and Disorders
Psychological School/Perspective Cause of the Disorder Psychoanalytic/Psychodynamic Internal, unconscious drives Humanistic Failure to strive to one’s potential or being out of touch with one’s feelings. Behavioral Reinforcement history, the environment. Cognitive Irrational, dysfunctional thoughts or ways of thinking. Sociocultural Dysfunctional Society Biomedical/Neuroscience Organic problems, biochemical imbalances, genetic predispositions.

4 DSM-5 Only classifies and describes symptoms, it does NOT explain causes or cures. Classifies mental disorders as either… Neurotic: distressing but one can still function and act rationally most of the time Psychotic: person loses contact with reality, perceptions are distorted.

5 Anxiety State of intense uneasiness, apprehension, uncertainty or fear. Patient fears something awful will happen to them. Classified as neurotic or psychotic?

6 Anxiety disorders include:
Panic Disorder/Panic Attacks Generalized Anxiety Disorder Phobias Obsessive Compulsive Anxious Behaviors (OCD) Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

7 Symptoms of Generalized Anxiety
At least three of the following— Restlessness Feeling on edge Difficulty concentrating/mind going blank Irritability Muscle tension Sleep disturbance

8 Generalized Panic Disorder
Continuously tense and on edge. Always worried or feeling apprehensive.

9 Green Day: Basket Case Basket Case" Do you have the time To listen to me whine About nothing and everything All at once I am one of those Melodramatic fools Neurotic to the bone No doubt about it Sometimes I give myself the creeps Sometimes my mind plays tricks on me It all keeps adding up I think I'm cracking up Am I just paranoid? Am I just stoned? I went to a shrink To analyze my dreams She says it's lack of sex That's bringing me down I went to a whore He said my life's a bore So quit my whining cause It's bringing her down Sometimes I give myself the creeps Sometimes my mind plays tricks on me It all keeps adding up I think I'm cracking up Am I just paranoid? Uh, yuh, yuh, ya Grasping to control So I better hold on Sometimes I give myself the creeps Sometimes my mind plays tricks on me It all keeps adding up I think I'm cracking up Am I just paranoid? Am I just stoned?

10 Panic Disorder/ Panic Attacks
Short episodes of INTENSE worry, fear, and dread. Patient believes he or she is dying or is in grave danger. Breathing is difficult, heart rate increases, and person may black out. Can lead to agoraphobia

11 Phobias Intense fear or feeling of dread because of a specific stimulus. Most phobias are irrational. Phobia List:


13 Social Phobia Agoraphobia
Phobias which produce fear in social situations Fear of speaking in public Fear of situations the person views as difficult to escape from Fear of leaving one’s home or room in the house


15 Obsessive Compulsive Disorders
Persistent (obsessive) unwanted thoughts that cause someone to feel the need (compulsion) to engage in a particular action. Thoughts are repetitive and the patient feels he/she HAS TO complete them.



18 Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
PTSD Flashbacks or anxiety because of a past traumatic event of which the person was directly involved or observed. Memories of the event (sound, smell, action) trigger the anxiety.


20 Causes???? Heredity? Physiology (chemical imbalance)?
Predisposition to be fearful is inherited Physiology (chemical imbalance)? The brain literally functions differently Conditioning (learned behavior)? Little Albert (white rates/loud noise) Fear of dogs Observations from parents A combination of the above?

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