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An introduction to Y11 Practice Interviews Day

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1 An introduction to Y11 Practice Interviews Day
Y11 Assembly 3rd October 2018

2 Purpose of this assembly
inform you about the next careers activity you will be doing – having a practice interview explain to you what you need to do to prepare for your interview tell you where you can find resources to help you to continue to explore careers you may be interested in

3 Last year’s practice interviews

4 Last year’s practice interviews

5 Last year’s practice interviews

6 School leavers preparedness for work
Base: All establishments in England/NI/Wales who have recruited 16 year olds and 17/18 year olds to first job from school in last 2-3 years

7 Reasons why some employers do not recruit young people
Lack of: Experience 61% Skills 63% 29% had young applicants 46% had young applicants who did not meet requirements Both skills and experience 24% Necessary qualifications 29% Young candidates lacked … Professional hardworking attitude 38% Quality application 33% Source: UKCES

8 Only 8% said “the uni you went to”
IN FACT, IN A CBI SURVEY OF WHAT GRADUATE RECRUITERS RATED AS VERY IMPORTANT: Only 8% said “the uni you went to” Only 20% said “the subject you studied” But 81% said “employability skills”

9 Practice Interviews Day
Friday 16th November In St Cecilia’s 20 minutes (interview & feedback) External interviewers Interview based on your prepared questions, not a specific job Normal timetable Individual appointment slip Smart business clothes

10 What you will be assessed on
good preparation appearance eye contact body language enthusiasm confidence effort positive impact general overall impression your CV

11 Purpose of this assembly
inform you about the next careers activity you will be doing – having a practice interview explain to you what you need to do to prepare for your interview tell you where you can find resources to help you to continue to explore careers you may be interested in

12 Preparing for Practice Interviews Day
NB. All the docs you will need are on Sharepoint in Careers -> Year 11 -> Practice Interview -> Instructions Read the Preparing a CV document Use one of the CV templates to create your own CV Ask your parents/carers to review your CV with you Hand your completed CV to Mrs Thompson or send to her by by Monday 29th Oct Read the Preparing for your Interview document. Read the Questions You May be Asked document. Practise how you would answer these questions. Read the additional Interview Tips document. Ask you family and friends to give you a practice interview!

13 Year 11 Careers on Sharepoint

14 Feedback from Y11 students last year
Some students said that they wished that they had prepared more for their interview and that they had not realised how important this was until they arrived at their interview...

15 Timetable DATE SESSIONS Wednesday 3rd October INTRO ASSEMBLY
w/c 1st October to Monday 29th October Create a CV (follow the steps on slide 12) and pass this to Mrs Thompson by Monday 29th October w/c 2nd October to Friday 16th November Prepare for your interview (by following the steps on slide 12) Monday 12th November FINAL ASSEMBLY With Sandra Porter, HR Manager Wednesday 14th November Tutor session on Preparing for your Interview Friday 16th November PRACTICE INTERVIEWS IN ST CECILIA’s

16 Purpose of this assembly
inform you about the next careers activity you will be doing – having a practice interview explain to you what you need to do to prepare for your interview tell you where you can find resources to help you to continue to explore careers you may be interested in

17 Year 11 Careers area on Sharepoint

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