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Nathan Sykes Plymouth Coastal Observatory

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1 Nathan Sykes Plymouth Coastal Observatory
Complimenting the Medium Term Plan with Regional Monitoring Programme data Nathan Sykes Plymouth Coastal Observatory

2 The Medium Term Plan Each year Risk Management Authorities submit details of proposed flood and coastal erosion flood management works which require funding for the next five years Proposals captured in a table known as the Medium Term Plan to give an indication of investment needs Regional Flood and Coastal Risk Management Programme 2012/13 National South West Wessex

3 The Medium Term Plan MTP split into 4 sections providing information on schemes depending on their status

4 The Medium Term Plan Section 1: Reserved funding in 2012/13
Schemes that have been allocated grant in aid and approved by the RFCC Expected to complete the indicative funding profile given for 2013/14 and beyond Would hope that SWRCMP data has been looked at for use with these current schemes

5 The Medium Term Plan

6 The Medium Term Plan Section 2: Schemes not funded in 2012/13 but with indicative funding from 2013/14 Confirmation of funding and timing dependant on costs and partnership arrangements. Final decision rests on availability of Grant in Aid Look to identify existing SWRCMP data that can be used with these upcoming schemes

7 The Medium Term Plan

8 The Medium Term Plan Section 3: Schemes where additional items are necessary for them to proceed Schemes in the planning phase Depending on appraisal results, further contributions are likely to be needed for the construction phase Ideal opportunity to identify existing SWRCMP data that can be used with these planned schemes as well as potential additions / variations to data collection

9 The Medium Term Plan

10 The Medium Term Plan Section 4: Capital investments to Local Authorities and Internal Drainage Boards (other than schemes shown in sections 1 to 3) Projects, not classified as schemes Principally include work for Shoreline Management Plans and other strategic studies South West Strategic Regional Monitoring Programme included in this section

11 The Medium Term Plan

12 Complimenting the MTP with SWRCMP Data
Current schemes may already be using SWRCMP data Future schemes Use of historic dataset Potential for scheme specific data through SWRCMP Future monitoring conducted through SWRCMP AWARENESS of proposed schemes in relation to SWRCMP If in doubt ASK


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