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Do Now Paper clip write-up and drawing together and turn in to wire basket in the back. IF you have not printed it, do so later and turn it in tomorrow.

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now Paper clip write-up and drawing together and turn in to wire basket in the back. IF you have not printed it, do so later and turn it in tomorrow."— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now Paper clip write-up and drawing together and turn in to wire basket in the back. IF you have not printed it, do so later and turn it in tomorrow. Get out notebooks, make new page titled “Defending Absolutism” Be ready at 9:36

2 Defending Absolutism:
In Notebook: Why would people accept an absolutist government? 2 min

3 Divine Right of Kings How most monarchs defended absolutism.
Divine Right: God has dictated that the monarch should be monarch. Therefore, no one may question the monarch.

4 Divine Right of Kings Divine Right: God has dictated that the monarch should be monarch. Therefore, no one may question the monarch. Draw up the thesis and premises of this argument. Word it as if answering the question: Can other mortals judge a monarch?

5 Divine Right of Kings Argument Map
Thesis: no mortal can judge the monarch because God chose the monarch to rule. Premise 1: God chose the monarch to rule. Premise 2 (warrant): if God chose the monarch, the monarch cannot be judged by mortals.

6 Thomas Hobbes One of the greatest political thinkers in history.
Is sometimes considered the founder of the Enlightenment. He wrote on the “Social Contract” – the belief that humans enter into an unwritten agreement with their government upon accepting its rule.

7 Thomas Hobbes Unlike the writers he would inspire, Hobbes was an absolutist. His great work The Leviathan stated that human beings were essentially immoral and needed an all powerful government to keep them in line.

8 Task: You have a summary of Thomas Hobbes’ beliefs and writings.
You will be reading and answering a number of questions in your notebook. This will be the only designed assessment piece of

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