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doc.: IEEE <doc#>

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1 doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#>
<month year> doc.: IEEE <doc#> Project: IEEE P Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: TRLE Features and Normative Statement Date Submitted: 14 Jan, 2013 Source: Seong-Soon Joo, Jong-Arm Jun, Nae-Soo Kim, Cheol-Sig Pyo Company: ETRI Address: 161 Gajeong-dong, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, KOREA Voice: , FAX: , Re: Abstract: For resolving the Sponsor Ballot comments on the TRLE, the TRLE normative statement is summarized. Purpose: To resolve the SB comments on the TRLE features Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P <author>, <company>

2 TRLE Features and Normative Statement
<month year> doc.: IEEE <doc#> TRLE Features and Normative Statement Seong-Soon Joo*, Jong-Arm Jun, Nae-Soo Kim, Cheol-Sig Pyo ETRI <author>, <company>

3 New IE, Command Frame, PIB attributes
TRLE Relaying Descriptor: Header IE insert TRLE Relaying Descriptor parmeter: MLME-BEACON-NOTIFY.indication primitive MAC commands TRLE-Management request TRLE-Management response MAC PIB attributes macTRLEenabled macRelayingMode

4 MLME Primitives MLME-TRLE-MANAGEMENT.request
START: NumPrioritizedDevice and NumCoordSlot JOIN: DstAddrMode, DstAddr, TxGrade, SrcRelayingTier, InnerRelayingOffset, BeaconBitmap, and NumBidirectionalDeviceSlot LEAVE: DstAddrMode, DstAddr, and TxGrade RELAYING_ON: SyncRelayingOffset RELAYING_OFF: HELLO: DstAddrMode and DstAddr PATH: DstAddrMode and DstAddr MLME-TRLE-MANAGEMENT.indicaiton JOIN: SrcAddrMode, SrcAddr, TxGrade, BeaconBitmap, NumBidirectionalDeviceSlot, and ListRelayingPath LEAVE: SrcAddrMode, SrcAddr, and TxGrade HELLO: SrcAddrMode, SrcAddr, TxGrade, and Timestamp PATH: SrcAddrMode, SrcAddr, TxGrade, and Timestamp MLME-TRLE-MANAGEMENT.response JOIN: DstAddrMode, DstAddr, TxGrade, status, NumPrioritizedDeviceSlot, NumCoordSlot, SyncRelayingOffset, NumBidirectionalDeviceSlot, and ListBidirectionalDeviceSlot LEAVE: DstAddrMode, DstAddr, TxGrade, and status HELLO: DstAddrMode, DstAddr, TxGrade, status, and DeviceDescriptor PATH: DstAddrMode, DstAddr, TxGrade, status, and DeviceDescriptor MLME-TRLE-MANAGEMENT.confirm START: status JOIN: SrcAddrMode, SrcAddr, status, NumPrioritizedDeviceSlot, NumCoordSlot, SyncRelayingOffset NumBidirectionalDeviceSlot, and ListBidirectionalDeviceSlot LEAVE: SrcAddrMode, SrcAddr, and status RELAYING_ON: status RELAYING_OFF: status HELLO: SrcAddrMode, SrcAddr, status, and DeviceDescriptor PATH: SrcAddrMode, SrcAddr, status, DeviceDescriptor, and ListRelayingPath

5 General Scope provides specific MAC capabilities for extending the range of a link in a star network composed of the IEEE beacon enabled devices or the IEEE DSME enabled devices Purpose support transparent link connectivity without additional networking overheads to an endpoint the capabilities provided by this annex Frame filtering in relaying mode Frame relaying on a link between the IEEE beacon enabled PAN coordinator and devices Management of multi-hop relaying path between the TRLE enabled PAN coordinator and devices Frame relaying on a TRLE multi-hop path

6 Link Extension with TRLE repeater (I)
Link in a star topology network Relaying frame at the MAC sublayer Synchronous to the slots of superframe Usage cases GTS/DSME PAN coordinator – GTS/DSME device One-hop frame relaying TRLE-enabled PAN coordinator - GTS/DSME device Multi-hop frame relaying TRLE-enabled PAN coordinator – TRLE-enabled device Managed TRLE device

7 Link Extension with TRLE repeater (II)

8 One-hop Frame Relaying (I)
PAN coordinator beacon-enabled, superframe beacon-enabled, DSME enabled TRLE repeater Enable when macTRLEenabled, macRelayingMode set to TRUE Working as a coordinator of beacon-enabled PAN Associate as a coordinator with the beacon-enabled PAN Provide synchronous one-hop frame relaying MLME-TRLE-MANAGEMENT.request primitive ManagementType parameter set to RELAY_ON SyncRelayingOffset parameter  macSyncRelayingOffset PIB attribute Filtering in relaying mode Synchronous frame relaying Device Use GTS for transmitting a data frame Associate as a device with the beacon-enabled PAN

9 One-hop Frame Relaying (II)
Frame filtering in relaying mode Enable when macRelayingMode set to TRUE Activated when receive MLME-TRLE-MANAGEMENT.request (RELAY_ON) Follow the 3rd filtering requirements except operation on the destination address If the destination address matches macShortAddress or macExtendedAddress, pass to the next layer. Otherwise, relay If the destination address is the broadcast address, pass to the next layer and also relay

10 One-hop Frame Relaying (III)
Constant delay to retransmit frame Outward: superframe duration*SyncRelayingOffset Inward: superframe duration*(2(BO-SO)- SyncRelayingOffset)

11 Multi-hop Frame Relaying (I)
TRLE-enabled PAN coordinator Enable when macDSMEenabled set to TRUE, macTRLEenabled set to TRUE Working as a DSME-enabled PAN coordinator and a TRLE-enabled PAN coordinator concurrently Start a TRLE-enabled PAN Begin to send enhanced beacon contains TRLE Relaying Descriptor IE Allocate Relaying Delay and Bidirectional Device Slots Manage a TRLE relaying path TRLE repeater Working as a coordinator of DSME-enabled PAN Associate as a coordinator with the DSME-enabled PAN Working as a TRLE repeater Join to a TRLE-enabled PAN One-hop relaying Maintain relaying path Working as a gateway for DSME-enabled device Generate or remove TRLE Relaying Descriptor IE Device DSME device Associate as a device with the DSME-enabled PAN Allocate GTS, use GTS for transmitting a data frame TRLE-enabled device Associate as a device with the TRLE-enabled PAN

12 Multi-hop Frame Relaying (II)
Relaying tier Tier 0 : PAN coordinator Tier 1 : repeaters connected to PAN coordinator Tier 2 : repeaters connected to Tier 1 repeater TRLE Relaying Descriptor IE beacon, command, data frame updated at every repeater where comes from how to relay TRLE Relaying Descriptor IE Frame Header DSME PAN descriptor IE Relaying Tier Relaying Direction QoS Grade Slot ID SuperframeID Repeater Address Payload

13 Multi-hop Frame Relaying (III)
Cyclic-superframe DSME Multi-superframe CAP  prioritized device slot, coordinator slot GTS  bidirectional device slot Relaying destination address doesn’t match or is broadcast address immediate relaying : prioritized device slot, coordinator slot constant delayed relaying : bidirectional device slot Relaying delay : macSyncRelayingOffset-macInnerRelayingOffset or 2(BO-SO)- (macInnerRelayingOffset- macSyncRelayingOffset) Outward : superframe duration*RelayingDelay Inward : superframe duration*(2(BO-SO)- RelayingDelay)

14 Multi-hop Frame Relaying (IV)

15 Multi-hop Frame Relaying (V)
Relaying Path Formation Select inner repeater Beacon (Inner repeater address) : TRLE Relaying Descriptor IE (Relaying tier, relaying source address) Time to send request frame to inner repeater Rx time of beacon, TRLE Relaying Descriptor IE (slot ID, superframe ID) coordinator Tier 3, Slot 1, Superframe 5, src_addr = tier3 device Tier 2, Slot 1, Superframe 5, src_addr = tier2 repeater Tier 1, Slot 1, Superframe 5, src_addr = tier1 repeater tier 1 repeater A A Tier 3, Slot 1, Superframe 5, src_addr = tier3 device Tier 2, Slot 1, Superframe 5, src_addr = tier2 repeater tier 2 repeater A a A a Sfr= Tier 3, Slot 1, Superframe 5, src_addr = tier3 device tier 3 device Tier 2, Slot 0, Superframe 5, src_addr = tier2 repeater a a Prioritized device slot

16 Multi-hop Frame Relaying (VI)
Outward relaying Broadcast Send frame in coordinator slot Destination relaying table match : destination address – bidirectional device slot : relay destination address – next tier repeater address : can discard coordinator tier 1 repeater 1 1 tier 2-a repeater 1 a 1 a tier 2-b repeater b 1 b 1 b tier 3 device a a

17 Multi-hop Frame Relaying (VII)
Connection between PAN coord and repeater/device Outward : coordinator slot Inward : prioritized device slot Out/ward/inward : bidirectional device slot Allocated slot to the repeater/device When joining to the PAN coordinator Multiple Grades of Service Select slot and ACK scheme for sending a frame GR0 : prioritized device slot or coord slot, hop-by-hop ACK GR1 : bidirectional device slot, hop-by-hop ACK GR2 : bidirectional device slot

18 Multi-hop Frame Relaying (VIII)
Hello one-to-one one-to-all (PAN coordinator) Path path to the repeater all the repeaters on a path will reply Synchronization Beacon (timestamp) TRLE Management command (timestamp) from PAN coordinator Path Hello

19 Path Maintenance (I) Path impairment Requirements of Path recovery
Link failure/Repeater down Location of failure lower tier, larger number of node to be reconfigured Requirements of Path recovery Minimize the number of node to be reconfigured Minimize the message traffic related to failure detection and reconfiguration Tolerable recovery time Design guideline Maintain the configuration below the failure point as possible as can Early detection of failure

20 Path Maintenance (II) State machine of repeater
disassociated/associated/joined/left disassociated disassociation association disassociation left associated link fail TRLE Management (Join) joined TRLE Management (Join) TRLE Management (Leave)

21 Path Maintenance (III)
Link failure detection Maintain inner repeater beacon bitmap Maintain outer repeater beacon bitmap at tier 1 repeater, if not listen tier 0 beacon, link fail between tier 0-1 or tier 0 repeater out of service at tier 1 repeater, if not listen tier 2 beacon, link fail between tier 1-2 or tier 2 repeater is out of service coordinator tier 1 repeater A A tier 2 repeater A a A a tier 3 device a a

22 Path Maintenance (IV) missing inner repeater beacon
wait for macBeaconMissingLimit*BI while searching tier n-1 inner repeater if found tier n-1 repeater request to join through tier n-1 inner repeater to maintain the nodes below failure point, generate tier n repeater beacon until finishing the joining process if found tier n-2 or n+1 repeater request to join through neighbor repeater let the nodes know link failure with no tier n repeater beacon while joining process after joining, child nodes starts to join to PAN coord through tier n repeater if not found neighbor repeater let the nodes know link failure with no tier n repeater beacon keep searching neighbor repeater

23 Path Maintenance (V) missing outer repeater beacon
wait for macBeaconMissingLimit*BI if missing outer repeater beacon, check n+1 repeater send TRLE Management request (Hello) to n+1 repeater if not responded, send TRLE Management request (Leave, n+1 repeater) to PAN coordinator

24 Path Maintenance (VI) Link failure scenario 1 Link failure scenario 2
Miss link between tier 2 and tier 3 wait for macBeaconMissingLimit*BI request to join through tier 2 inner repeater generate tier 3 repeater beacon after joining, relaying beacon Link failure scenario 2 Miss link between tier 0 and tier 1 wait for macBeaconMissingLimit*BI request to join through tier 1 inner repeater after joining, relaying beacon tier 2, tier 3 repeaters start to join tier 0 X X tier 1 tier 2 tier 3 tier 4

25 Thanks for your Attention!

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