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Friendly Reminders Keep your electronics away. If I see them I will take them, and depending on what you bribe me with, you might have to get it back.

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Presentation on theme: "Friendly Reminders Keep your electronics away. If I see them I will take them, and depending on what you bribe me with, you might have to get it back."— Presentation transcript:

1 Friendly Reminders Keep your electronics away. If I see them I will take them, and depending on what you bribe me with, you might have to get it back from the office. Pay attention when you are supposed to pay attention and talk when you are supposed to talk. Remember, when I am talking, you need to be listening. You will have time this period to talk, I promise.

2 Agenda Recap Go over Scientific Revolution Frames
Rules That Don’t Make Sense Notes: Fight For Your Rights

3 Scientific Revolution Sentence Frames
Now get your assignment up on the screen and we will check if you have the answers correct

4 1 that had been accepted

5 2. accepted ways of thinking about

6 3. Geocentric theory

7 4. placed the earth at the

8 5 of thinking

9 6. helped spread challenging

10 7 did not match

11 8 revolved around

12 9 four moons had dark spots rough

13 10 Catholic and Protestant church teaching and authority
question other church teachings

14 11 the secrets of nature

15 12 in many different

16 Class Notes Questions, Subtitles, Headings, Etc.
The Enlightenment: Fight For Your Rights Essential Question: How did people gain rights and what role did the Enlightenment thinkers play? Questions, Subtitles, Headings, Etc. Class Notes 2 1/2” 3 to 4 sentence summary across the bottom of the last page of the day’s notes

17 This is pretty much the Enlightenment:
Over the course of history, people have had to fight for their rights

18 Rights? True or False: In Scotland, if someone knocks on your door and asks to use the bathroom, legally you have to say yes.

19 Rights? True or False: In Scotland, if someone knocks on your door and asks to use the bathroom, legally you have to say yes.

20 1215- King John in England tried to raise taxes, but enough people were upset and said no.
The King, fearful for his life, was forced to guarantee political rights through the Magna Carta. Strengthened the English Parliament—England’s national legislature. The Magna Carta


22 Rights? True or False: If you’re pregnant in the UK, you are allowed to go to the bathroom anywhere you want—even in a policeman’s helmet?

23 Rights? True or False: If you’re pregnant in the UK, you are allowed to go to the bathroom anywhere you want—even in a policeman’s helmet?

24 Rights? True or False: Alligators in Arkansas can be kept in bathtubs

25 Rights? True or False: Alligators in Arkansas can be kept in bathtubs

26 Even though the Magna Carta strengthened Parliament, for centuries Kings and Queens fought with Parliament. The bloodless overthrow of King James II made the revolution “Glorious” William and Mary setup a constitutional monarchy which limited the ruler’s power. To make clear the limits of royal power, Parliament drafted a Bill of Rights. The Glorious Revolution


28 Halftime- Non History Video

29 Enlightenment writers challenged long-held ideals about society.
They examined principles of the divine right of monarchs, the union of church and state, and the existence of unequal social classes. Their theories eventually inspired the American and French revolutions and other revolutionary movements of the 1800’s. The Enlightenment


31 Rights? True or False: In Pennsylvania it’s against the law to sleep in your refrigerator.

32 Rights? True or False: In Pennsylvania it’s against the law to sleep in your refrigerator.

33 Rights? True or False: In the state of Georgia, it’s illegal to change the clothes on a storefront mannequin unless the shades are drawn.

34 Rights? True or False: In the state of Georgia, it’s illegal to change the clothes on a storefront mannequin unless the shades are drawn.

35 People began to openly question their religious beliefs.
Argued for the greater social equality, as well as a more democratic style of government. People began to openly question their religious beliefs. Emphasized the importance of the individual in society. Stressed government was formed by individuals to promote their welfare. Legacy of the Enlightenment

36 Summary

37 Enlightenment Movie Poster
Using your notes and the flipchart, create a movie poster for the Enlightenment. Make sure you have the following: A movie title The stars of the movie (real philosopher) A picture to get people attention Must be in color Write a paragraph explaining what the movie is about. Use enlightenment ideas and philosophies to drive the plot.


39 Enlightenment Movie Poster
Using your notes and the flipchart, create a movie poster for the Enlightenment. Make sure you have the following: A movie title The stars of the movie (real philosopher) A picture to get people attention Must be in color Write a paragraph explaining what the movie is about. Use enlightenment ideas and philosophies to drive the plot.

40 Class Notes

41 Class Notes

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