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Lessons from the Life of Caleb Numbers 14:24

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1 Lessons from the Life of Caleb Numbers 14:24
A Different Spirit Lessons from the Life of Caleb Numbers 14:24


3 Caleb followed God fully
Note the number of times this is mentioned. Num. 14:24 – Said by God Num. 32:12 – Said by Moses Deut. 1:36 – Said by God Josh. 14:8 – Said by Caleb Josh. 14:9 – Said by Moses Josh. 14:14 – writer of Joshua

4 Caleb followed God fully
Caleb trusted God He saw the size and strength of the land and people but did not fear. Numbers 14:7-9 Remember that the Israelites had been slaves in Egypt. They had not fought a military campaign. That did not keep him from believing in God. When time for his inheritance in the Land, he asked for the part that included the Anakim and fortified cites. Joshua 14:13-15.

5 We Must follow God fully
Examples of Others in the Bible Who Didn’t King Saul 1 Sam 15 Rich Young Ruler Mark 10:17-22 Both examples are people who did many good things, but fell short. God Wants Us to trust and follow Him fully today “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13 Trust in the Lord with all your Heart. Proverbs 3:5-6

6 Caleb didn’t allow others to Change his convictions.
Ten Other Spies Said they couldn’t conquer the land. The people wanted to pick a new leader and return to Egypt. The people wanted to stone Caleb. Caleb must have experienced intense pressure from these others, but did not give in. Note these were God’s Special People, not pagan Canaanites who did this.

7 We can’t allow others to change our convictions.
God expects us to be different. We are to be aliens and strangers. I Peter 2:9-12. We may seem strange or odd to others. I Peter 4:3-5. We are not to conform to this world. Romans 12:1-2.

8 Caleb Patiently waited on the Lord
Caleb Remained Faithful through 40 years of wandering in the wilderness The other people were responsible. He saw the others die. 603,500 men age twenty and up died over the next 40 years. Average of 41 funerals per day. Would have no doubt included Caleb’s family and friends. No hint of bitterness on his part. At age 85, he was still ready to take the land. – Josh. 14:12-13

9 Caleb Patiently waited on the Lord
God Expects us to patiently wait on Him God will reward us if we patiently wait on Him. James 5: Psalm 40:1-4. Things may not go like we want them to. Don’t give up. It may not seem worth it at the time. But it will. Wait for the Lord. Psalms 37:34. Those who Trust in the Lord will renew their strength. Isaiah 40:31.

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