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Watchful waiting: Is it a choice? PRO

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1 Watchful waiting: Is it a choice? PRO
Marianne E. Pavel Campus Virchow Klinikum, Charité, Berlin DEBATES IN NEUROENDOCRINE TUMORS Somatostatin analogs vs. watchful waiting in GEP NET June 16, 2015

2 Overview Spontaneous tumor growth & life expectancy in NET
What is the impact of SSA ? Impact of early vs. late treatment onset on overall survival Impact on economic resources NCCN/ UKI/ENETS guidelines recommendations Tumor control- OR, PFS, OS Unknown – start early or wait for progression in subtypes with proven efficacy; efficacy in smaller subsets of NET (rectal, gastric, lung ) Value of combination therapy and maintenance therapy (continue upon progression? Dose escalation- high dose therapy ? Maintenance _ SONNET; REMINET) Future perspectives… novel analogs, novel formulations

3 Limitations to predict tumor progression by clinico-pathological parameters
Limitations of known prognostic factors in Stage IV disease but G1 G2 Differentiation & Grading Stage I P<0.001 Proportion Alive Stage II Stage III Stage IV I (n = 44) II (n = 44) III (n = 34) IV (n = 33) Months 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 48 96 144 192 240 Diffuse liver metastases Different growth pattern Will there be tumor growth, and in which time frame? Need for additional prognostic biochemical markers! Staging

4 Survival in Midgut/Hindgut NET German-French Cohort
Median OS 161 months 242 Midgut 20 Hindgut 173 stage IV acquired data confirm the prognostic relevance of the proposed TNM-staging and grading system and demonstrate the applicability of these classification tools. The TNMsystem can therefore facilitate therapeutic stratification and comparison of data from different (66%) 62% 32% 6% n= 189 Jann et al, Cancer 2011

5 Prognosis of GEP-NET in comparison to other malignancies
Frilling et al, Lancet Oncol 2014

6 What is the impact of Somatostatin analogs?

7 Somatostatin analogs in gastro-entero-pancreatic NET
Low objective response rates ! No cure ! Review: Toumpanakis & Caplin Semin Oncol 2013

8 84 patients with midgut NET 204 patients with entero-pancreatic NET
What is the added value of SSA ? Results from Placebo-controlled Trials 84 patients with midgut NET PFS: months 204 patients with entero-pancreatic NET PFS: + >9 months

9 What do we learn from the placebo arms of randomized trials?
62% 22% 50 % are stable without treatment for 18 mo. 22% are stable even for more than 27 mo. PROMID Study: 37 % are stable without treatment for 12 mo. Some are stable for more than 32 mo.

10 Lanreotide is active in G2 NET (-10% Ki67) and in patients with higher liver tumor burden
OLE study demonstrates that lanreotide is also active in progressive NET Caplin et al NEJM 2014

11 Somatostatin Analogs Impact on overall survival ?
PROMID study No survival benefit if treatment starts upon diagnosis or in stable diasease p=0.77 CLARINET study P=0.8791 Caplin et al NEJM 2014

12 Can the (Greek/ Global) Health System afford early medical treatment?
Impact of costs Can the (Greek/ Global) Health System afford early medical treatment? Physician treating a patient (Attic red-figure aryballos, 480–470 BC)

13 NET G1/G2- spontaneous tumor growth
54 year old female patient with midgut NET , GI Bleeding Primary tumor removed; Ki-67 5%, NET G2 LM non-resectable, Ki-67 2%, low hepatic tumor load, non-functional Pro_ PROMID Against _ Spontaneous growth arrest in subgroup of patients may justify F/U q 3 months MRI liver: multiple small lesions MRI liver: 3 years later : SD ….we saved EUR to the German and EUR to the Greek Health System

14 Case of midgut NET with liver metastases
40 yr old patient, initial diagnosis of ileum NET in 1995 Primary tumor removal Mild preoperative diarrhea Synchroneous Liver metastases ->TAE Started on sc. octreotide Stable disease for 5 years Non RECIST progression 2000 Developed 2 abdominal metastases 2010 Started Octreotide LAR 10 mg in 2000 Dose escalation 20 mg Continues on Octreotide 30 mg since 2010 20 yrs of SSA treatment accounts for > EUR

15 or Progressive disease
Whom to treat if you need to make a choice in a system with limited health care resources ? Stable disease or Progressive disease


17 Pan-NET-7

18 What do the UKI NETS Guidelines recommend?


20 Conclusions Pro: Watch & Wait
SSA do not cure Objective response rates are low (<5%) Stabilization of disease is best response in most patients Prolongation of PFS in early treatment onset does not translate in survival benefit compared to patients with treatment start upon progression Early use of SSA may produce tremendeous costs in patients who have SD for decades Although tolerability is good, there may be side effects… Molecular profiling is needed to preselect patients who might be „real“ candidates for early treatment

21 Thank you !

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