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Creating New Materials

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2 Creating New Materials
LEARNING TARGET: I can investigate a chemical reaction and compare the properties of the product to the properties of the reactants. Nov 8 / Act B19 Creating New Materials CH Q How are reactants changed by a chemical reaction? How are the products different? VOCAB: next slide

3 product (of chemical reaction)
new chemical made chemical reaction cross-link Monomer polymer reactant product (of chemical reaction) bond one plastic “unit” many plastic “units” chemicals used in reaction chemicals made in reaction

4 DISCUSSION List Chemical Reactions: Color change Forming a new substance Emission of gas Emission or absorption of heat Emission of light or sound 2. List examples of Chemical Reactions: Burning fuel Combustion of gas to power a car Baking bread Human body reaction between food and oxygen to produce carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H20), releasing energy

5 PROCEDURE AND DATA MATERIALS: PROCEDURE: Read on pg. B and summarize DATA: WS Comparing Properties of Polymers

6 Each student make vinyl alcohol molecule… C2H4O
POST DISCUSSION Each student make vinyl alcohol molecule… C2H4O monomer = ‘one part’ make polyvinyl alcohol molecule… (link four together) polymer = ‘many parts’ ALL PLASTICS ARE POLYMERS !

7 POST DISCUSSION: 1. The change in the physical properties indicates _______ . A chemical reaction happened and a new substance has been formed! 2. Which do you think is a harder substance, a polymer with more cross-links OR a polymer with fewer cross-links? What’s your evidence? more cross-links = harder evidence = more bonds 3. What do you think would happen to the final polymer if you continued to add sodium borate? more cross-links gel gets firmer

8 ANALYSIS - Discuss and answer Q 2 & 3 on pg. B- 41 ANS CHALLENGE Q How are reactants changed by a chemical reaction? How are the products different? A: new chemicals made (products) different physical (and chemical) properties HOMEWORK 1. Finish Analysis Qs

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