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ARE YOU A FAIR TESTER? Maha Hassan Founder/Ceo of Maha ESL Community Teacher Trainer.

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Presentation on theme: "ARE YOU A FAIR TESTER? Maha Hassan Founder/Ceo of Maha ESL Community Teacher Trainer."— Presentation transcript:

1 ARE YOU A FAIR TESTER? Maha Hassan Founder/Ceo of Maha ESL Community Teacher Trainer



4 7. Somebody rang me at 3am last week!     Who did you ring at 3am last week?     Who you rang at 3am last week?     Who rang you at 3am last week? 8. Someone gave me a watch for my birthday.     What did you get for your birthday?     What you did get for your birthday? Put these words into the correct order to make sentences with subject or object questions. Don't forget to include all punctuation! 1. you / did / which / ? / type / to / buy / of / choose / cat  2. the / the / table / cat / from / fish / took / ? / which  3. you / nasty / ? / sent / to / letter / that / who  4. last / you / see / did / in / night / garden / who / ? / the  5. that / ? / that / lunch / wonderful / baked / we / who / cake / ate / at  6. house / when / was / fire / old / ? / a / the / what / there / in / happened 




8 a. red panda b. raccoon c. grizzly bear d. badger
In the box below, circle the words that describe a giant panda's natural habitat. Tropical high altitude sand dunes mountainous forested extremely dry arctic grasslands 2. Why do giant pandas spend so much time eating? ___________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Which of the following animals is the giant panda most closely related to? a. red panda b. raccoon c. grizzly bear d. badger 4. Put a check mark ( ) next to each of the ways a male giant panda might attract a female mate. -- Male pandas rub against trees to leave their scent. -- Male pandas fight other males in front of the females to impress them. -- Male pandas walk in circles around female pandas. -- Male pandas do “hand stands” to leave their mark higher in the trees. 5. If a mother giant panda gives birth to two cubs, will they both be with her a year later? Explain why or why not. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Fill in the missing letters to create a vocabulary word from the article. Then write the full word on the line. Be sure you spell each word correctly. 1. ____ e ____ ____ r i ____ t e ____ ____________________________________ hint: limited or confined to a certain area 2. ____ a ____ b ____ ____ ____________________________________ hint: a very tall, wood-like grass that pandas eat 3. ____ r i ____ ____ i n g ____________________________________ hint: holding tightly 4. ____ a ____ ____ o o ____ ____________________________________ hint: an American mammal with a mask-like face 5. ____ a ____ i ____ a ____ ____________________________________ hint: the natural environment an animal lives in 6. ____ a ____ ____ i n ____ s ____________________________________ hint: patterns on an animal's fur or skin that distinguish it from other animals 7. ____ o ____ a ____ ____________________________________ hint: loud; expressive 8. ____ o ____ ____ o ____ ______________________hint: empty on the inside

9 ** Why are you giving an exam to your Students? ** What do you want to assess? ** How do you decide what to test and how to test it?

10 Important points to keep in mind
** Don’t over do standards ** Check timing ** Make the question layout easy to follow ** Reduce emphasis on memory ** Don’t measure the same things again and again ** Keep sentences short ** Are you covering learning outcomes ** Ask colleagues to revise your test before giving it to the Ss

11 How should the Students know about the marking criteria?

12 @@Marking Scheme or Rubrics When correcting the exam:
Scheme or Rubrics When correcting the exam: **Penalize the same mistake once **Review the test after the exam **Make notes on the exam results





17 For large classes you can make a table of signs to help the Ss understand your notes without taking too much time Items 1 2 3 4 5 Spelling Grammar Punctuation Sentence Structure Use of Conjunctions Study better Questions understanding Revise drama details better

18 How to turn exam questions into Assessment exercises?
Knowledge or how it is used.  Process or product.  The communication of ideas.  Convergent thinking or divergent thinking. Absolute or relative standards. 

19 How can you support Ss failure?
1 Help students to come to a position where they can see failure as an opportunity for learning. 2 Take account of the feelings of students 3 Help students to understand that it is their work and not their personality that is the problem. 4 Concentrate on what students can do in future to improve, rather than railing over their failings. 5 Let students have further opportunities for practising under simulated exam conditions 6 Let students play examiner. 7 Help students to identify what went well. 8 Help students develop revision and exam techniques. 9 Encourage students in pairs to set each other questions and mark them.

20 Interesting sum up points: 1. An Assessment is a Process 2
Interesting sum up points: 1. An Assessment is a Process 2. A test is a Product 3. A diagnosis is a Conclusion How can technology help? Quizalize Quizlet Socrative Kahoot

21 Assessment Formative Summative on going Test diagnosis diagnosis



24 REFERENCES 500 Tips on Assessment
Race P., Brown S., Smith B., Routledge Falmer, London and New York LINKS TO IMPORTANT ARTICLES AND RESOURCES Preparing Tests and Exams Tests Don’t Diagnose ….. You Do! 26 Teacher Tools To Create Online Assessments

25 THANK YOU Maha Hassan

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