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Baby Boomers, Xers, Yers and Me Using ACCUPLACER and CLEP To Span The Generations.

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Presentation on theme: "Baby Boomers, Xers, Yers and Me Using ACCUPLACER and CLEP To Span The Generations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Baby Boomers, Xers, Yers and Me Using ACCUPLACER and CLEP To Span The Generations

2 OPEN FORUM AND DISCUSSION Issues that confront test administrators in todays Issues that confront test administrators in todays multi-generational environment multi-generational environment Panel Moderators: Jim Cashon - Director of Testing (Retired), St. Petersburg College, Florida Dot McGinnes - Coordinator of Testing (Retired), Santa Fe College, Florida Melissa Wilson - Director of Testing Services, Amarillo College, Texas

3 HOW DO THE GENERATIONS DIFFER? Generation Xers (1965-1981) Generation Xers (1965-1981) The generation following baby boomers TV/Video/computer and me generation Generation Yers or Millennials (1982-2003) Generation Yers or Millennials (1982-2003) New Attitude – smart, young, brash, technologically astute Changing careers in record numbers Baby Boomers (1946-1964) Post WWII non-traditional students/displaced homemakers, mature students returning for a career change – men as well as women

4 BEST PRACTICES What do you consider BEST PRACTICES What do you consider BEST PRACTICES for administering ACCUPLACER, CLEP and other tests to the various generations? for administering ACCUPLACER, CLEP and other tests to the various generations?

5 ACCUPLACER and CLEP - Serving All Generations What changes can we make to help make the testing process more comfortable and less stressful for all students who need to take their ACCUPLACER, CLEP and other tests? What changes can we make to help make the testing process more comfortable and less stressful for all students who need to take their ACCUPLACER, CLEP and other tests? Santa Fe College

6 INTRODUCTIONS Name and Title Name and Title Name and location of Institution Name and location of Institution Type – public/private, two-year/four- year Type – public/private, two-year/four- year

7 THANK YOU!! Thank you for your input, knowledge, suggestions, ideas and perspectives. Thank you for your input, knowledge, suggestions, ideas and perspectives. Our next generation of students will be better served as a result of our open communication!! Our next generation of students will be better served as a result of our open communication!!

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