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" Do the times make the man or does the man make the times?"

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Presentation on theme: "" Do the times make the man or does the man make the times?""— Presentation transcript:

1 " Do the times make the man or does the man make the times?"
‘Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.’ " Do the times make the man or does the man make the times?"

2 Our Times Today

3 Mordecai – A Man For His Time
TODAY Men For Our Times

4 Mordecai’s Times

5 Men For Our Times Take the responsibility of family seriously 2:7
Get involved in what’s happening around them 2:21-23 Not ‘yes men’ 3:2-5 Aware of the signs of our times 4:1,2 Urge those who can act to act 4:13-17 Seek the good of fellow believers 10:3 Remember God is at work even when they do not hear His name

6 Men Will You Be A Man For Our Times?
Which of the things that Mordecai did, do you need to begin doing now?

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