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Published byAnna-Leena Kivelä Modified over 6 years ago
Briefing on the Annual Report for the 2012/2013 Financial Year Portfolio Committee on Home Affairs 11 October 2013
VISION To strengthen constitutional democracy through the delivery of free and fair elections in which every voter is able to record his or her informed choice
MISSION The Electoral Commission is an independent and impartial permanent body created by the Constitution to promote and strengthen constitutional democracy in South Africa through the delivery of free and fair elections at all levels of government
VALUES To enable the Commission to serve the needs of stakeholders, including the electorate, political parties, the media and permanent and temporary staff, the organisation subscribes to the following organisational values: Following best practices Stopping all forms of waste Driving for results and success Planning and working so as to maximise the use of all inputs
VALUES (cont..) Being sensitive to race, culture, language, religion, disability and gender issues Taking note of diversity in experience and ability Caring and showing respect for others Being ethical, honest and truthful Communicating in an open and honest way Carrying out our work independently and impartially
VALUES (cont..) Acting with integrity and opposing corruption
Promoting the image and credibility of the Electoral Commission Improving continuously Maximising training and development opportunities Supporting and inspiring each other Fostering collaboration between teams and team members Fostering achievement of common goals
Strategic outcome- orientated goals
The strategic outcome-oriented goals of the Electoral Commission are to do the following:- Promote principles of peaceful, free and fair elections Improve organisational efficiency and effectiveness Manage free and fair elections Strengthen electoral democracy through education for public participation Support the core business of the Electoral Commission 7
Constitutional mandate
In terms of Section 190 of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa (Act 108 of 1996), the Electoral Commission must ; manage elections of national, provincial and municipal legislative bodies in accordance with national legislation; ensure that those elections are free and fair; and declare the results of those elections within a period that must be prescribed by national legislation and that is as short as reasonably possible. 8
Legislative mandates The duties and functions of the Electoral Commission are defined in section 5 of the Electoral Commission Act, These include; Manage any election Ensure that any election is free and fair Promote conditions conducive to free and fair elections 9
Legislative mandates (cont…)
Promote knowledge of sound and democratic electoral processes Compile and maintain a voters' roll by means of a system of registering eligible voters by utilising data available from government sources and information furnished by voters; Compile and maintain a register of parties; Establish and maintain liaison and co-operation with parties Undertake and promote research into electoral matters; 10
Legislative mandates (cont..)
Develop and promote the development of electoral expertise and technology in all spheres of government; Continuously review electoral legislation and proposed electoral legislation, and to make recommendations in connection therewith; Promote voter education; Promote co-operation with and between persons, institutions, governments and administrations for the achievement of its objects 11
Legislative mandates (cont..)
Declare the results of elections for national, provincial and municipal legislative bodies within seven days after such elections; Adjudicate disputes which may arise from the organisation, administration or conducting of elections and which are of an administrative nature; and appoint appropriate public administrations in any sphere of government to conduct elections when necessary. Promote co-operation with and between persons, institutions, governments and administrations for the achievement of its objects 12
Legislative mandates (cont..)
Declare the results of elections for national, provincial and municipal legislative bodies within seven days after such elections; Adjudicate disputes which may arise from the organisation, administration or conducting of elections and which are of an administrative nature; and appoint appropriate public administrations in any sphere of government to conduct elections when necessary. 13
Organisational Structure
Commissioners Commission Services PEOs Chief Electoral Officer Internal Audit Office of the CEO Deputy CEO: Corporate Services Deputy CEO: Outreach Deputy CEO: Electoral Operations Human Resources, Training and Support Services Logistics & Infrastructure Communications Financial Management Electoral Processes: Voters’ Roll, Delimitation & Voting & Counting, etc Civic Education, Research & Knowledge Management Information and Communication Technology Legal Services 14
Deviation from Planned Target for 2012/2013
Key Performance Areas Performance Indicator Actual Achieveme nt /2012 Planned Target /13 Actual Achievement /2013 Deviation from Planned Target for /2013 Variance from / to /2013 Comment on Variances 1.1.1 Number of meetings with relevant stakeholders 9 25 24 (1) 15 The meeting of Forum of Institutions Supporting Constitutional Democracy was postponed from 28 March to a date in the new financial year. 15 15
Deviation from Planned Target for 2012/2013
Key Performance Areas (cont..) Performance Indicator Actual Achievement /2012 Planned Target /13 Actual Achievement /2013 Deviation from Planned Target for /2013 Variance from / to /2013 Comment on Variances 1.2.1 Number of interacti ons with relevant stakehol ders 29 12 36 24 7 During the current financial year, the Commission received an unprecedentedl y high number of international delegations, requests for study tours, technical assistance, and elections observation missions. 16 16
Deviation from Planned Target for 2012/2013
Key Performance Areas (cont..) Performance Indicator Actual Achievement /2012 Planned Target /13 Actual Achievement /2013 Deviation from Planned Target for /2013 Variance from / to /2013 Comment on Variances 2.1.1 Number of quarterly reports submitted New target 4 - Not applicable 2.1.2 Number of Annual Reports in place 1 2.2.1 Number of risk based annual internal audit plans approved 2.2.2 Number of quarterly progress reports submitted to the Audit Committee 17
Key Performance Areas (cont..) 18 Performance Indicator
Actual Achievemen t 2011/2012 Planned Target /13 Actual Achievemen t 2012/2013 Deviation from Planned Target for /201 3 Variance from / to /2013 Comment on Variances 2.3.1 Develop and adopt a consolidated process for monitoring legal compliance by the end of the /13 financial year. Implement and maintain the consolidated process during the remaining two years. New target Embedded process in place The Commission adopted the Risk Management Framework on 17 August Awareness training has taken place. The process has begun, but is not yet complete d. Not applicable The process of monitoring legal compliance forms part of the broader review of risk management. The positioning of legal compliance monitoring within the Electoral Commission is currently under review as part of a work-study project. 2.3.2 Quarterly review and update of the organisation’s strategic risk register 4 updates recorded - 18
Deviation from Planned Target for 2012/2013
Key Performance Areas (cont..) Performance Indicator Actual Achievement /2012 Planned Target /13 Actual Achievement /2013 Deviation from Planned Target for /2013 Variance from /2012 to /2013 Comment on Variances 3.1.1 Frequency that voters’ roll is checked against national population register for an up-to-date and accurate voters’ roll (number of checks per annum) 12 - 19
Key Performance Areas (cont..) 20 Performance Indicator
Actual Achievement /2012 Planned Target /13 Actual Achievement /2013 Deviation from Planned Target for /2013 Variance from /2012 to /2013 Comment on Variances 3.2.1 Number of meetings with members of party liaison committees (PLCs) at national (10), provincial (54) and municipal (1 170) levels 1 695 1 234 1 325 (5 national, 49 provincial and municipal) 91 (370) There was a higher level of political activity than was targeted. 20
Deviation from Planned Target for 2012/2013
Key Performance Areas (cont..) Performance Indicator Actual Achievement /2012 Planned Target /13 Actual Achievement /2013 Deviation from Planned Target for /2013 Variance from /2012 to /2013 Comment on Variances 3.2.2 Funding of political parties - number of disbursements to parties 4 - 3.3.1 Percentage of elections for which voters’ roll is certified in accordance with election timetables 100 21
Deviation from Planned Target for 2012/2013
Key Performance Areas (cont..) Performance Indicator Actual Achievement /2012 Planned Target /13 Actual Achievement /2013 Deviation from Planned Target for /2013 Variance from /2012 to /2013 Comment on Variances 3.3.2 Average number of calendar days in which elections are conducted from date of vacancy 90 67 23 The basis on which the indicator is calculated changed between 2011/12 (where it is stated at the maximum number of days) and 2012/13 (where it is stated as the average number of days). The data is thus not comparable. 22
Deviation from Planned Target for 2012/2013
Key Performance Areas (cont..) Performance Indicator Actual Achievement /2012 Planned Target /13 Actual Achievement /2013 Deviation from Planned Target for /2013 Variance from /2012 to /2013 Comment on Variances 3.3.3 Average number of calendar days in which to replace proportional representation (PR) seat vacancies 35 15 20 The reduction in the number of days taken to fill PR vacancies was achieved by a combination of improved communications between offices of the Electoral Commission, as well as process improvements. 23
Deviation from Planned Target for 2012/2013
Key Performance Areas (cont..) Performance Indicator Actual Achievement /2012 Planned Target /13 Actual Achievement /2013 Deviation from Planned Target for /2013 Variance from /2012 to /2013 Comment on Variances 3.3.4 Average time period in calendar days in which election results are announced by the Electoral Commission 3 7 1 (6) (2) The indicator for /12 measures the days taken to announce the results of the municipal elections, whereas the target and achievement for the 2012/13 year reflects the average number of days taken to announce the results of by- elections. These are not comparable. 3.3.5 Proportion of registered voters who vote – voter turnout 57.64% Not applicabl e Not applicable - 24
Deviation from Planned Target for 2012/2013
Key Performance Areas (cont..) Performance Indicator Actual Achievement /2012 Planned Target /13 Actual Achievement /2013 Deviation from Planned Target for /2013 Variance from / to /2013 Comment on Variances 3.4.1 Defined bill of materials (signed off) and specifications in place for each electoral event New target 100% achieved - Not applicable 3.4.2 Sourced bill of materials in terms of PPPFA (Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act), Treasury Regulations and organisational policies and within the timelines stipulated in the logistics procurement plan Not applicable 25
Deviation from Planned Target for 2012/201 3
Key Performance Areas (cont..) Performance Indicator Actual Achievemen t 2011/2012 Planned Target /13 Actual Achievemen t 2012/2013 Deviation from Planned Target for /201 3 Variance from / to /2013 Comment on Variances 3.5.1 Number of voting stations resourced, secured and functional 20 868 Not applicable Not applicable 3.5.2 Number of schools used as voting stations for full- scale elections (at least 60%) (68%) 3.5.3 Number of warehouses, storage facilities and full-time distribution services available to support electoral events 10 / 237 / 1 10 / 234 / 1 - 0 / 3 / 0 Three municipalities merged and their storage facilities were thus no longer necessary. 26
Deviation from Planned Target for 2012/2013
Key Performance Areas (cont..) Performance Indicator Actual Achievement /2012 Planned Target /13 Actual Achievement /2013 Deviation from Planned Target for /2013 Variance from / to /2013 Comment on Variances 4.1.1 The number of voter education events 89,321 992 4,875 3,883 84,446 The basis for defining an event was considered and refined during the planning process, thus this indicator is not comparable year on year. 4.1.2 The number of projects with strategic partnerships 50 73 23 The success of the Electoral Commission’s planned partnerships is due to sustained effort directed at cumulatively and continuously increasing and strengthening the range of its partnerships. There was an exponential increase in partnerships due to increased spontaneous requests from other organisations to be included in activities, particularly with corporate elections. 27
Deviation from Planned Target for 2012/2013
Key Performance Areas (cont..) Performance Indicator Actual Achievement /2012 Planned Target /13 Actual Achievement /2013 Deviation from Planned Target for /2013 Variance from / to /2013 Comment on Variances 4.1.3 Quantity of educational materials disseminated 1,807,848 2 million 454,566 (1,545,434) (1,353,282) There was a lesser demand for printed material than anticipated. Some Braille materials scheduled for delivery at the end of the fiscal were delayed due to setbacks in sign-off between the Electoral Commission and the Braille authorities. 4.2.1 Number of research projects conducted 3 5 2 Additional research projects were conducted in preparation for the elections. 28
Deviation from Planned Target for 2012/2013 1 Annual Report published
Key Performance Areas (cont..) Performance Indicator Actual Achievement /2012 Planned Target /13 Actual Achievement /2013 Deviation from Planned Target for /2013 Variance from / to /2013 Comment on Variances 4.2.2 Design and implementation of knowledge management strategy and system Draft policy submitted to the Policy Committee System implementation Policy was considered by the Policy Committee Policy not approved Not applicable Delays were experienced in the policy approval process that will be addressed in the new year. 4.3.1 Number of targeted media interactions per annum 18 media releases 62 media interviews 12 media analysis reports 24 media releases 25 media interviews 29 media releases 155 media interviews 11 media analysis reports 5 media releases 130 media interviews (1 media analysis reports) 11 media releases 93 media interviews There was increased media interest as a result of events such as the e-voting seminar and consultations with civil society organisations, faith- based organisations and traditional leaders. 4.3.2 Number of external publications per annum New target 1 Annual Report published - 29
Deviation from Planned Target for 2012/2013
Key Performance Areas (cont..) Performance Indicator Actual Achievement /2012 Planned Target 2012/13 Actual Achievement /2013 Deviation from Planned Target for /2013 Variance from / to /2013 Comment on Variances 4.3.3 Number of targeted communication platforms per annum New target (6) Radio Print Digital/On line Facebook Twitter Mobile (4) Faceboo k (-2) Digital/ Online Not applicable Digital/Online and mobile platforms were not used. 30
Deviation from Planned Target for 2012/2013
Key Performance Areas (cont..) Performance Indicator Actual Achievement /2012 Planned Target /13 Actual Achievement /2013 Deviation from Planned Target for /2013 Variance from / to /2013 Comment on Variances 5.1.1 Date by which comprehensive HR strategy and plan is approved and % compliance Draft strategy is in place Approved and implemented according to timeframes 30 June 2013 The HR strategy was developed. The HR plan will be finalised once the skills audit information is collated The target date for approval of the plan was moved to 30 June Not applicable - 5.1.2 Annually review the HR strategy and plan Not applicable 31
Deviation from Planned Target for 2012/2013
Key Performance Areas (cont..) Performance Indicator Actual Achievement /2012 Planned Target /13 Actual Achievement /2013 Deviation from Planned Target for /2013 Variance from / to /2013 Comment on Variances 5.2.1 Integrated training strategy and plan by target dates developed and approved Draft strategy is in place. The date of finalisation was moved to March for further consultation with stakeholders. Approved and implemented according to timeframes by 31 March 2013 The election training strategy and training plan developed. The integrated strategy not finalised Not applicable Awaiting outcome of the skills audit information which will be finalised in June 2013 5.2.2 Number of trained electoral officials 198,226 1,920 1,071 (849) (197,155) Training target is based on “estimated” number of by-elections in the current year. Targets and achievements for /12 include training for electoral staff for LGE 2011 32
Deviation from Planned Target for 2012/2013
Key Performance Areas (cont..) Performance Indicator Actual Achievement /2012 Planned Target /13 Actual Achievement /2013 Deviation from Planned Target for /2013 Variance from / to /2013 Comment on Variances 5.2.3 Number of staff trained and developed 305 450 924 474 619 The roll out of the following training sessions led to an increase in the number of people trained: facilitator training additional supervisory training protocol and etiquette training 33
Deviation from Planned Target for 2012/2013
Key Performance Areas (cont..) Performance Indicator Actual Achievement /2012 Planned Target /13 Actual Achievement /2013 Deviation from Planned Target for /2013 Variance from / to /2013 Comment on Variances 5.3.1 Date by which comprehensive support services strategy and plan is approved and % compliance Strategy and plan developed and approved Framework approved by 31 March 2013 Framework approved - 5.3.2 Annually review strategy and plan Not applicable 5.4.1 Meet statutory deadlines in respect of budgeting New target Deadlines as per NT guidelines met 5.4.2 12 Management accounts 12 5.5.1 Review financial policies and procedures including delegation of authority Reviewed The financial directives and delegations were approved by the Commission on 25 January 34
Key Performance Areas (cont..) 35 Performance Indicator
Actual Achievement /2012 Planned Target /13 Actual Achievement /2013 Deviation from Planned Target for /2013 Variance from / to /2013 Comment on Variances 5.5.2 Prepare monthly compliance reports New target 12 - 5.6.1 Achieve an unqualified audit report each year Unqualified 5.7.1 Approved 5 year ICT infrastructure plan in place Deferred strategy development to next year Approved plan in place by 31 March 2013 Submitted for final review and approval. Some meetings were postponed due to other commitments of business participants. 5.7.2 Percentage network and application systems availability (system generated report available) 99.5% 97% 97.2% -2.3% Achieved and exceeded target. 5.8.1 Annual legal review report submitted Legal review report submitted by 31 March Legal review report submitted by 31 March 2013 Not applicable 35
Financial statements for the Financial Year ended 31 March 2013
In summary our audit outcome was:- an unqualified opinion on the annual financial statements; no emphasis of matter paragraphs on the annual financial statements; no additional matter paragraphs on the annual financial statements; no findings on the usefulness or reliability of predetermined objective information; no material instances of non-compliance with laws and regulations; no deficiencies in internal control significant enough to report; The AG noted that there was currently an investigation into the tender award for accommodation of the Electoral Commission Riverside Office Park. 37
ACCOUNTING POLICIES Basis of Preparation
Financial statements encompass the reporting as specified in the Public Finance Management Act 1 of 1999. The annual financial statements have been prepared in accordance with relevant accounting standards There were no changes in accounting policies 38
SUMMARY STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2013 2013 2012 R Revenue 768,253,509 854,832,115 Expenditure Employee related costs -369,034,256 -412,557,163 Administrative expenditure -325,564,526 -828,772,439 Depreciation, amortisation and impairment -57,513,780 -57,103,340 Audit fees -4,510,098 -4,873,673 Finance costs -12,387 -327,761 Repairs and maintenance -9,434,927 -10,079,167 Miscellaneous expenditure -105,251 -25,904 Surplus (Deficit) on sale of assets 575,628 -1,498,948 Surplus for the year 2,653,912 -460,406,280 Rollover to next year 43,012,431 21,687,923 39
2012 R Assets Non-Current Assets 335,052,036 339,706,264 Property, plant and equipment 268,681,449 280,466,519 Intangible assets 64,291,460 57,980,515 Heritage assets 2,079,127 1,259,230 Current Assets 108,078,787 69,153,470 Inventories 11,439,454 14,070,494 Trade and other receivables from exchange transactions 17,270,889 17,249,199 Cash and cash equivalents 79,368,444 37,832,924 Non-current assets held for sale and assets of disposal groups 3,099,143 3,867,682 Total Assets 446,229,966 412,727,416 40
Liabilities Non-Current Liabilities 29,363,261 21,275,747 Operating lease liability Current Liabilities 68,697,250 45,935,273 Trade and other payables from exchange transactions 63,197,160 41,351,235 Provisions 104,920 367,936 Foreign and local aid assistance 5,395,170 4,216,955 Accumulated surplus 348,169,455 345,515,543 Total Liabilities and Net Assets 446,229,966 412,727,416 41
Q & A 42 42
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