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Back of the Room: Anyone who is not performing in the simulations.

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Presentation on theme: "Back of the Room: Anyone who is not performing in the simulations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Back of the Room: Anyone who is not performing in the simulations.
Today’s Seating Plan Screen Drives Mice Strips Genes Hoods Back of the Room: Anyone who is not performing in the simulations. Door Latest Team Information is at linked at the top of my website Sci.Ev rjm Week /14/07

2 Today’s Agenda Housekeeping: Penultimate Presentation: The GENES.
Patent Cover Sheet Quiz: pick up yours. Feedback: please for an appointment. Tomorrow: MY evaluation form. As of yesterday: AXESS evaluation forms are on line. Critiques: Please complete by Friday at noon, the sooner the better. I will submit grades once all are in. Penultimate Presentation: The GENES. The only correction is the elimination of the slides (27+) we did not get to on 9/2/03, and the slides were copied to a new file, and the footer reconstituted, so that the evil lurking macros would not be there, even though they didn’t seem to be there anyway. Sci.Ev rjm Week /14/07

3 Today’s Agenda Housekeeping matters: Appointments.
Please meet one last time with me. Next Monday or Tuesday, for the Drives, Strips and Mice. The following week is OK for the Genes and Hoods. ADVERSARIES NOT COLLABORATORS? One week before your simulation date you can – if you want - stop collaborating. You can write your script and your slides without letting the other side know the details, or not: your choice. Regarding SCRIPTS At the simulation, NOBODY will read from anything. At most, lawyers can have 1 (ONE) 3 x 5 index card with you. Experts can rely on the POWERPOINTS to remind them what to say. There will be an easel and pens so that experts can draw things if they need to. Critique assignments. The only correction is the elimination of the slides (27+) we did not get to on 9/2/03, and the slides were copied to a new file, and the footer reconstituted, so that the evil lurking macros would not be there, even though they didn’t seem to be there anyway. Sci.Ev rjm Week /14/07

4 Today’s Illustrated Talks
Order: Mice – 11/28 6:15 Drives – 11/27 Genes – 12/4 Strips – 11/28 4:15 Hoods – 12/5 Within each team, as you wish (huddle for a minute or two): Possibilities: PO Expert, PO Lawyer, AI Expert, AI lawyer EXPERTS (PO,AI) then LAWYERS (PO,AI) Lawyers (PO AI) then EXPERTS (PO AI) or none of the above. (maybe by birthday?) Sci.Ev rjm Week /14/07

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