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Our school –Lizdeika‘s gymnasium

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Presentation on theme: "Our school –Lizdeika‘s gymnasium"— Presentation transcript:

1 Our school –Lizdeika‘s gymnasium

2 Our gymnasium has got about 500 students and about 60 teachers.

3 The simbol of our gymnasium is an owl:

4 Our gymnasium flag:

5 The building of our gymnasium is 98 years old, but Lizdeika‘s gymnasium is celebrating 20th anniversary this year. It looked like this before renovation:

6 Lizdeika‘s gymnasium is one of the sportiest in Lithuania
Lizdeika‘s gymnasium is one of the sportiest in Lithuania. We have many trophies in football, basketball and athletics.

7 From the next school year our school will unite with another school of the town – Vaižgantas gymnasium.

8 In our school there are few traditional events like September the first, night at school, 100 Days, the last bell. September the first- it`s a first day at school of the new school year. Night at school – it`s on the last Friday in October, and the students are at school all night from p.m till 6a.m and they do differents activities: act, do sports, watch films or plays etc. 100 Days – it`s the day, when there is 100 days left till the first final exam for the 12th graders. The last bell – the last Thursday in May when the school leavers say goodbye to the school.


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