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The Most Prominent Orator and Writer in Rome

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1 The Most Prominent Orator and Writer in Rome
Age of Cicero The Most Prominent Orator and Writer in Rome

2 Think to Yourself… Who are some of the most prominent orators of OUR time? What makes them such dynamic speakers? How do they win their audiences? Do their speakers make you a different person?

3 Age of Cicero 80 BC-43BC (Republic) Period of great unrest
Civil wars and dictators Military might against civil right Great material prosperity and poverty Culture and extravagant display Religious decadence

4 Gaius Sallustius Crispus
86-35 BC Born of a plebian family in Amiternum (East of Rome) Educated at Rome Devoted the early years of his life to literary pursuits

5 Sallust’s Political Life
Active in public life Became a partisan of Caesar and the Democratic Party, or Populārēs Plebian tribuneship Quaestor Appointed governor of Province of Numidia (North Africa) by Caesar Amassed great wealth and bought a villa on the Quirinal Hill

6 Sallust’s Literary Life
After retiring as governor, Sallust devoted his life to writing historical literature at his villa on the Quirinal Died in 35 BC at the age of 52 Writing style Short and to the point Known for 2 literary works: The Jugurthine War An account of the war with Jugurtha from 112 to 106 BC The Conspiracy of Catiline An account of the plot to overthrow the state in 63 BC Written about 20 years after the event Sallust used Cicero’s orations as reference as well as available records Why else would this have been a good account for Sallust?

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