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We went to the Great Wall.

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1 We went to the Great Wall.
Module 5 Unit 1 We went to the Great Wall.

2 We went to the Great Wall.
Module 5 Unit 1 We went to the Great Wall. 静雅小学 张效娥

3 What did you do yesterday ?
play football watch TV ed ed wash my trousers ed help my mum ed listen to music ed clean my room ed paint a picture ed phone Grandma d What did you do yesterday ? I…

4 Where did he go yesterday ?
He went to the _________. river A. Bob B. Bob’s sister Who did he see yesterday ? He saw ____________.

5 He went to the _________.
party a monkey He saw ____________.

6 river party sister monkey

7 a school trip

8 Yesterday , they went on a school trip. Where did they go?

9 Listen and choose. went to the Great Wall ate hamburgers
What did they do? went to the Great Wall ate hamburgers went to the park ate candies climbed to the top bought a bike saw lots of birds bought a present saw lots of mountains and beautiful plants.

10 the Great Wall mountains

11 went go see saw eat ate have had bought buy
The past tense form of irregular Verbs 不规则动词过去式 went go see saw eat ate have had bought buy

12 see take eat have do buy go

13 50 minutes to climb to the top
the Great Wall took mountains and beautiful plants went saw went on a school trip had ate bought a good time candies a present for Dad

14 Answer the questions : 1.Where did they go yesterday ?
They went to the Great Wall . 2.What did they eat yesterday ? They ate candies . 3.What did they buy yesterday ? They bought a present.

15 Answer the questions : 4.What did they see yesterday ?
They saw lots of mountains . 5.How long did they take to climb to the top? They took fifty minutes to climb to the top. .

16 We went to the Great Wall.
Where did you go? We went to the Great Wall.

17 We went to the …... Farm

18 We saw lots of mountains.

19 What did you see?

20 e a t We ate candies. eat

21 I ate a hamburger. We ate …

22 We bought Dad a present. buy

23 We bought …

24 We had a good time. have 6图

25 They went to the Great Wall.

26 climb----climbed top

27 Yesterday They climbed to the top.

28 They saw lots of mountains.

29 They ate candies. Yesterday

30 They had a good time. Yesterday

31 They bought a present for Dad.

32 Yesterday they went on a school trip.
Practise: Yesterday they went on a school trip. saw climbed ate went They went to the… bought had

33 Fill in the blanks went climbed saw ate had bought Yesterday
1.We to the Great Wall. 2.We to the top. 3.And we lots of mountains . 4.We candies. 5.You a good time. 6.We you a present. went climbed saw ate had bought

34 Homework: 1.Read the dialogue 5 times.
2.Write the words went—bought 5 times with 1 times Chinese.

35 We went to the Great Wall.
Module 5 Unit 1 We went to the Great Wall.

36 see take eat have do buy go

37 Yesterday they went on a school trip.
Practise: Yesterday they went on a school trip. saw climbed ate went They went to the… bought had

38 Yesterday / Last Sunday…
We went to the park. We saw lots of trees. We ate hamburgers. We bought lots of pictures. We had a good time.

39 规则变化 played play clean cleaned wash washed help helped cook cooked
phone phoned

40 go went 不规则变化 see saw eat ate buy bought have had climb climbed

41 We went to the Zoo on National Day. We saw lots of animals
We went to the Zoo on National Day. We saw lots of animals. We ate some chips .I bought a toy panda for my friend. We had a good time.

42 Free talk: I went to________. I saw_______. I ate_________.
I bought _________. I had a good time.

43 Group work: Farm

44 went saw ate had A School Trip It was a school trip. We to the park. We lots of trees and flowers. We some bread and apples. We a good time. went saw ate had

45 went saw ate had A School Trip It was a school trip. We to the . We .
We a good time! Farm

46 Homework: 1.Read the dialogue and try to recite.
2.Write a composition (作文 ): Where did you go ? What did you see, eat, buy?

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