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“The Truth Concerning Worry!”

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1 “The Truth Concerning Worry!”
(TRUTH MATTERS) “The Truth Concerning Worry!” Matthew 6:25-34

2 Understanding this enables you and me to realize why the world is dominated by worry…

3 The Bible makes clear people are NOT born to worry. One learns to worry. The good news about this is that means you and I can unlearn worry if we’re willing to face the truth.

4 to learn to face three truths concerning worry
Purpose: to learn to face three truths concerning worry

5 I Worry is UNNECESSARY A. You Are in the Hands of God

6 Jesus is saying in our text we have something far more amazing than this – we can have confidence that our lives are in the loving hands of the Creator, God!

7 I Worry is UNNECESSARY A. You Are in the Hands of God
B. Take Some of Your Theology from Birds

8 Do birds ever tear down their nests to build bigger nests
Do birds ever tear down their nests to build bigger nests? Do birds ever run out of energy and crash in mid-flight? Do birds ever have anxiety attacks? Do birds ever overcharge credit cards?...

9 The wrongness/evil of worry is that it erases the promises of God from our minds!

10 I Worry is UNNECESSARY A. You Are in the Hands of God
B. Take Some of Your Theology from Birds C. Take Heed to What Jesus is Not Saying

11 Matthew 25:40 “…I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did it for me.”

12 At 26, George was introduced to the grace of God
At 26, George was introduced to the grace of God. He spent the rest of his life taking care of orphans. In these years he took care of over 2,000 orphans in Bristol, England.

A. Worry is Not Constructive

14 In London, England you can visit the house of this famous writer
In London, England you can visit the house of this famous writer. He had a separate room built in his attic with padded walls so he could work in utter silence. He had a problem, however. His neighbor had a rooster…

A. Worry is Not Constructive B. Worry is Contrary to a Christian’s Reflex

16 “Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.”
1 Peter 5:7 “Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.”

17 III Worry is UNWORTHY A. Humans are More than Just Bodies

18 Twenty hotdogs (buns included) in 12 minutes… Year before he ate 21 dogs…

19 III Worry is UNWORTHY A. Humans are More than Just Bodies
B. Physical Survival is not the End All

20 Matthew 6:33 “But seek first His kingdom, His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you…”

21 III Worry is UNWORTHY A. Humans are More than Just Bodies
B. Physical Survival is not the End All C. Preserving the Body Beautiful is Not Our Purpose

22 Was recently asked, “Is gold still important to you
Was recently asked, “Is gold still important to you?” Azinger answered, “Yes and no. Yes, of course, golf is important to me. It’s how I make a living. But no, golf is no longer at the top of my priority list. In fact it runs a distant fourth. My priorities now are…

23 Does the name Louisa Stead mean anything to you
Does the name Louisa Stead mean anything to you? She, her husband and their daughter went to the beach one day for a picnic. They were enjoying themselves when…

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