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Wednesday, October 15th SSR. Wednesday, October 15th SSR.

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2 Wednesday, October 15th SSR

3 Thursday, October 16th SSR

4 Monday, October 20th SSR: Prompt:
Describe the setting of your SSR book. Explain when and where- find quotes to prove both. Find an example of a metaphor or a simile in your book. Give the quote and a short analysis of what the quote means If you haven’t been reading the same book for SSR consistently, think of the setting of another book you have read in the past. Explain when and where- find quotes to prove both. Get an SSR book! (you have a major project coming up)

5 Tuesday, October 21st SSR You may QUIETLY work on your project or continue reading. I suggest you start with finding examples for task 1. Easy options would be to find the other simile/metaphors that you need. REMEMBER for your project you need to give the quote, cite it, and then explain the quote. To cite: “……………………..” (Author’s last name page #). For example: Simile: “But my enthusiasm was checked by my anxiety, and I appeared rather like one doomed by slavery to toil in the mines” (Shelley 42). In this simile the narrator compares the struggle he has with his passion for creating the monster. The simile compares his destiny to someone who might die struggling in a mine.

6 Wednesday, October 22nd SSR
You may QUIETLY work on your project or continue reading. I suggest you start with finding examples for task 1. Start looking for an allusion or examples of diction REMEMBER for your project you need to give the quote, cite it, and then explain the quote. To cite: “……………………..” (Author’s last name page #). For example: Simile: “But my enthusiasm was checked by my anxiety, and I appeared rather like one doomed by slavery to toil in the mines” (Shelley 42). In this simile the narrator compares the struggle he has with his passion for creating the monster. The simile compares his destiny to someone who might die struggling in a mine.

7 Thursday, October 23rd SSR
You may QUIETLY work on your project or continue reading. I suggest you start with finding examples for task 1. Start looking for an allusion or examples of diction REMEMBER for your project you need to give the quote, cite it, and then explain the quote. To cite: “……………………..” (Author’s last name page #). For example: Simile: “But my enthusiasm was checked by my anxiety, and I appeared rather like one doomed by slavery to toil in the mines” (Shelley 42). In this simile the narrator compares the struggle he has with his passion for creating the monster. The simile compares his destiny to someone who might die struggling in a mine.

8 Friday, October 24th Have until the end of SSR to finish your term identifications, I will be coming around to stamp in 10 minutes. Answer the following prompt in your writer’s notebook: There are many firsts in our lives that we don’t remember, such as our first tooth, first step, first word, or first birthday. Firsts from later in childhood come easily to mind: first pet, first award, first day of high school, first kiss, first summer day of summer camp. Write about a special first that you remember clearly. Write a ½ page

9 Monday, October 27 You may:
work on your project (maybe start explaining the examples you have already or find more for task 1) Read Work on the notebook work or the packet that were assigned over the weekend and are due today Whatever your choice: working, not talking or on your cell phone

10 Tuesday, October 28th You may work silently on your SSR project or continue reading. Remember the project is due Friday and tomorrow will be the last day you will be given SSR time to work on it in class. Common mistakes: Using the same actors from the film rendition of your book Not checking if your media works before Friday (check that your website works with school filters, that I can view your social media page, that your video will play on my computer) Doing task 1 simply on binder paper- it qualifies you, but will not earn you almost any points

11 Wednesday, October 29th You may work silently on your SSR project or continue reading. Remember the project is due Friday and tomorrow will be the last day you will be given SSR time to work on it in class. Common mistakes: Using the same actors from the film rendition of your book Not checking if your media works before Friday (check that your website works with school filters, that I can view your social media page, that your video will play on my computer) Doing task 1 simply on binder paper- it qualifies you, but will not earn you almost any points

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