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Chapter 30 North Korea.

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1 Chapter 30 North Korea

2 Essential Question: To what extent was U. S
Essential Question: To what extent was U.S. involvement in Korea justified?

3 During WWII Korea under Japanese control

4 After WWII Temporarily split at 38th parallel
North Korea – Democratic People’s Republic of Korea under Kim Il-sung Controlled by USSR until 1949 South Korea – Republic of Korea (ROK) under Syngman Rhee Controlled by U.S. until 1949

5 June 25, 1950 North Koreans invaded South Korea

6 UN Security Council USSR absent Named North Korea as aggressor
Effort = “police action” General MacArthur - commander of UN forces

7 South Korean forces pushed to Pusan Perimeter

8 MacArthur’s amphibious assault at Inchon – Sept 15, 1950

9 Decision to cross 38th parallel
MacArthur wanted to cross despite Chinese warning Truman’s permission… Only if “at the time of such operation there was no entry into North Korea by major Soviet or Chinese Communist forces, no announcements of intended entry, nor a threat to counter our operations militarily…” Chances of Chinese or Soviet intervention? “very little” - MacArthur Should UN forces have crossed the 38th parallel?

10 Chinese propaganda depicting MacArthur

11 China Warned UN not to approach Yalu River
Nov sent 260,000 troops (PVA)  South Korean retreat

12 MacArthur’s “general war” vs. Truman’s “limited war”
MacArthur’s criticism  removal April 1951 “It seems strangely difficult for some to realize that here in Asia is where the Communist conspirators have elected to make their play for global conquest…that here we fight Europe’s war with arms while the diplomats there still fight it with words; that if we lose the war to communism in Asia the fall of Europe is inevitable…There is no substitute for victory.”

13 Stalemate forms July 1951

14 - Eisenhower’s campaign promise, Oct. 25, 1952
“The first task of a new Administration will be to review and re-examine every course of action open to us with one goal in view: To bring the Korean war to an early and honorable end. This is my pledge to the American people… The resolution will be: To forego the diversions of politics and to concentrate on the job of ending the Korean war-until that job is honorably done. That job requires a personal trip to Korea. I shall make that trip. Only in that way could I learn how best to serve the American people in the cause of peace. I shall go to Korea.” - Eisenhower’s campaign promise, Oct. 25, 1952

15 Armistice July 27, 1953 Split near 38th parallel
Same as before war! Demilitarized zone est. (DMZ) Prisoner exchange

16 Social consequences in Korea (North and South)
~ 2 million Korean deaths Males forcibly drafted >10 million separated from families Start 14:50

17 Korea today Still split North – Communist
Kim Jong-il (son of Kim Il-sung) 2011-present - Kim Jong-un South – capitalist, democratic

18 Writing Assignment Was the U.S. involvement in Korea justified? Write three paragraphs in a google doc answering this question and hand in google classroom.

19 Review Question: Chapter 30 : Lesson 2 Read pages and answer Review Questions on page 736. Hand in Google Class Room.

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