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Thank you for not chewing gum or anything else 

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1 Thank you for not chewing gum or anything else 
Materials: Pencil Notebook/Folder Diversity of Living Things Thank you for not chewing gum or anything else  February 6 Agenda: Bell Work Diversity of Living Things (DLT)- Section 1.1 RKC Section 1.1 DO: Today we will observe the characteristics of single celled organisms. DQ: What are some of the characteristics of living things?

2 1.1 Single celled organisms pg 9
Vocabulary/Notes Microorganism Kingdom Binary fission Virus Procedure: Read section 1.1 Take Notes Answer questions 1-3 on page 14 in your science notebook Work on the “Reinforcing Key Concepts” worksheet

3 1.1 Single celled organisms pg 9
Microorganism Kingdom Binary fission Virus HW = page 21 – 1.1 Reinforcing Key Concepts

4 Reflection on Goal Score 4.0
In addition to Score 3.0, you can teach another student about classification, micro-life, and ecological relationships. Score 3.0 With no help, I understand today’s classification system & can classify organisms based on their similar characteristics. I can identify the characteristics that make up all living things and explain why viruses are not considered living I can identify the ways that bacteria, archaea and protists help/harm the environment I can explain and recognize the relationships between organisms and the environment (IE: predator/prey, food webs/chains, and symbiotic relationships) I can explain how populations are affected by water, limiting factors, human interactions, and carrying capacity. Score 2.0 With some help or at this time, I can partially complete the criteria for a 3. Score 1.0 With complete help or at this time, I am not able to complete the criteria for a 3

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