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EMFF implementation by EASME
IMP MS Expert Group Brussels, 20 April 2015 Alenka Kampl EASME.A.3 Head of Unit
Overview Delegation EASME EMFF – IMP implementation
Delegation EC outsources EU direct management tasks
in an EU funding programme to an Executive Agency (EA)
Delegation in practice
EC/DG MARE – political responsibility: Set policy priorities Adopt EMFF work programme Evaluate EMFF programme implementation Supervise EASME EASME – implementation: Prepare and publish calls, manage evaluation, award decisions, contracts, payments, assess reports, monitor and control, information, dissemination Direct contacts with applicants/beneficiaries and tenderers/contractors on behalf of DG MARE Report to EC/DG MARE
Why delegation? Efficiency gains Synergies IMP Control
Scientific advice Efficiency gains Synergies D.1 B.1 E.1 A.2 C.2 D.2 C.1 A.3 E.2 B.3 IMP
H2020 Why EASME? A.2 A.1 B.1 B.3 B.2 SME Instrument
Fast Track to Innovation COSME A.1 EMFF A.3 EEN H2020 IEE B.1 LIFE B.3 SILC II B.2 Energy Efficiency COSME is the EU programme for the Competitiveness of Enterprises and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) running from 2014 to 2020 with a planned budget of €2.3bn. COSME will support SMEs in better access to finance; access to markets; supporting entrepreneurs; and more favourable conditions for business creation and growth. EEN - The Network helps small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) make the most of business opportunities in the EU and beyond. The FTI pilot is the only fully-bottom-up measure in Horizon 2020 promoting close-to-the-market innovation activities that is open to all types of participants. FTI aims to reduce the time from idea to market and to increase the participation in Horizon 2020 of industry, SMEs and first-time industry applicants. FTI also aims to nurture trans-disciplinary and cross-sector approaches. All kinds of innovation actors can work together to develop sustainable innovations addressing societal needs or areas under 'Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies' and, at the same time, create viable business opportunities. This is why FTI projects must be business-driven and clearly demonstrate a realistic potential for quick deployment and market take-up of innovations. On offer is a maximum EU contribution of €3M per proposal with time-to-grant of around 6 months. SILC II SILC II is a Horizon 2020 initiative, which funds large scale demonstrators for low-carbon technologies with a special focus on energy-intensive industries. It looks at breakthrough solutions that can bring significant greenhouse gas emission reduction (35% compared to current "best available techniques") and that have a high potential technology transfer within and across sectors. SILC II projects will demonstrate the technical and economic viability of the technologies proposed, by testing them in industrial plants working under real conditions and developing exploitation and business plans. In addition to SILC, industries can also get financial support for low-carbon technologies from other programmes of Horizon 2020, the NER programme and the European Structural and Investment Funds. EUSEW Eco-Innovation Climate action, environment, ressource efficiency, raw materials
Which EMFF actions? 2014: EASME implements 72% of IMP direct management funds. 2015: EASME implements 84% of IMP direct management funds.
Challenges for 2015 Delegation new for DG MARE and its stakeholders
Delayed 2014 WP in parallel with 2015 WP New team and new programme in EASME Many parties involved in implementation
EMFF 2014 implementation Blue growth sectors:
Coastal tourism Ocean energy Knowledge, legal certainty and security in the blue economy: Marine knowledge Maritime spatial planning Integrated maritime surveillance Skills development: Maritime training academies Blue growth sectors: Coastal tourism: study on coastal and maritime tourism (contracted) Ocean energy: Ocean energy forum secretariat (contracting): to support the work of the ocean energy groups and development of strategic roadmap Knowledge, legal certainty and security in the blue economy: Marine knowledge: ongoing evaluations: Seabasin checkpoints (4 seabasins) Coastal mapping Maritime spatial planning: ongoing evaluations – support actions to transposition of MSP Directive MSP cooperation projects – Baltic (finished evaluation but still to be contracted), Black Sea MSP assistance mechanism Study on MSP international best practices Integrated maritime surveillance: Coastguard cooperation (contracted) IMS IT improvements (evaluation) Skills: Maritime training academies network (contracted)
EMFF 2015 starting New initiatives: Building on existing actions:
Monitoring the oceans Economic benefits of MPAs Innovation in the blue economy - seabasins Building on existing actions: EMODNET, data ingestion Tourism MSP IMS Assistance mechanisms New initiatives: Monitoring the oceans: support ERIC for deploying ocean floats, collecitng and analysing marine data; long term project Economic benefits of MPAs: potential of reconciliation of environmental protection and blue growth Innovation in the blue economy: several studies in different (sub)seabasins: outermost regions, Mediterranean, Black Sea Building on existing actions: Emodnet, marine data ingestion and safekeeping Tourism: thematic routes for underwater cultural heritage, support to nautical tourism Maritime spatial planning: MSP cooperation projects – other seabasins MSP assistance mechanism Integrated maritime surveillance: Coastguard cooperation (forums) IMS communication strategy Expansion of CISE Assistance mechanisms Atlantic action plan MSP implementation
What's in it for you? Continued close cooperation with DG MARE
Support for implementation Potential synergies ><))))°>
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