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Updates in the Management of ITP

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1 Updates in the Management of ITP
Dr. K.C Usha Professor & Head - Dept of Transfusion Medicine Sree Mookambika Institute of Medical Sciences, Kulasekharam, Kanyakumari Dist: Tamil Nadu

2 ITP “Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura”
“Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura”

3 Introduction Inherited autoimmune disorder
Abs against pl: Ags llb / llla ↑ Destruction of platelets Macrophages & cytotoxic T cells involved ↓ Levels of thrombopoietin in plasma ↓ Production of platelets Impaired megakaryocyte function

4 ITP ( Contd….) International ITP Working group
Removed the terminology “A/c ITP” Since diagnosis made retrospectively Proposed term “Newly diagnosed ITP” ITP classified into 3 groups Newly diagnosed : First 3 months Persistent ITP : Symptoms last b/w 3-12 months Chronic ITP : Symptoms persist > 12 months According to international guidelines : Thrombocytopenia : Pl: count < 100 x 109 / L

5 Another Classification
ITP Primary Secondary

6 Primary ITP Diagnosed by exclusion Constitutes 80 % of ITP

7 Secondary ITP Due to various underlying diseases Auto immune SLE
Anti phospholipid antibody syndrome( APLA) Infections HIV HCV H. Pylori Drugs Heparin Penicillin Non steroidal anti- inflammatory drugs Vaccination Measles Mumps Rubella Varicella Secondary ITP

8 Treatment of ITP Guidelines published by ASH (2011)
American Society of Hematology Valid reference for conventional Rx Rx modalities divided into : I line therapy II line therapy III line therapy Treatment of ITP

9 Treatment Modalities First Line Therapy Corticosteroids IV Ig
Anti D Immunoglobulin Second Line Therapy Splenectomy Rituximab Third Line Therapy TPO RAS / TRAS (Thrombopoietin Receptor Agonists) Commonly used TRAS Eltrombopag Romiplostim

10 ITP in Children I & II line Rx as in adults
Rituximab suggested as II line Splenectomy contraindicated Splenectomy not preferred Significant bleeding Need for better quality of life III line : Initially, TPO RAS not recommended After successful trials Now Eltrombopag recommended

11 Corticosteroids First choice for initial Rx Ease of administration
Lower cost ↓ Ab production Prevent platelet destruction Available corticosteroids Prednisone Prednisolone Methyl prednisolone Dexamethasone Corticosteroids

12 Corticosteroids (Contd)
Oral administration Dose : 0.5-2 mg / kg / day for wks Gradual tapering Platelet count to be monitored Avoid long term use

13 Corticosteroids (Contd)
Adverse effects : Osteoporosis Diabetes Hypertension Cataract Weight gain Avascular necrosis of bones Growth retardation in children Personality changes Opportunistic infections

14 IV Ig Pooled plasma gamma globulin One of the safer options
Neutralise auto antibodies & cytokines ↑ Clearance of anti pl: Abs Faster response rate compared to corticosteroids Generally well tolerated Costly but ↓ hospital stay Transmission of viruses; theoretical risk

15 IV Ig (Contd) Dose : 2mg/kg (single dose)
Repeated based on platelet count Non responders : 3mg /kg Response transient Lasting no longer than 3-4 wks Adequate hydration required To reduce A/c renal injury

16 IV Ig (Contd) Products not interchangeable
Due to numerous differences in Osmolality Immunoglobulin A content Different stabilizers (Sucrose/glucose/maltose)

17 IV Ig (Contd) Adverse effects Depends on rate of infusion
Specific products Headache Chills Arthralgia Back pain Thrombotic events Renal impairment IV Ig (Contd)

18 Anti D Immunoglobulin Gamma globulin against Rh (D) ag
Approved by FDA for Rx of ITP Oposonize Rh D + RBCs Opsonised RBC & opsonised platelets Compete for sequestration in spleen Blocks macrophage system ↓ Platelet destruction Neutralise anti platelet Abs Patients monitored at least for 8 hours

19 Anti D Immunoglobulin (Contd)
Dose : 50-75 mg / kg IV 75 mg / kg preferred Adverse effects : Headache, fever, chills Nausea, vomiting Fatal intravascular hemolysis Hemoglobinuria ( rare) Multi organ dysfunction

20 Splenectomy Historically gold standard Rx for C/c ITP
Newer Rx regimens ↓ splenectomy rates Higher response rates in younger pts Limiting factor : bleeding associated with surgery Mortality rate : 0.2 % with laparoscopic procedure 1 % with open laparotomy ↑ Chance for infections To be vaccinated against various infections .

21 Rituximab Anti CD 20 Cytolytic monoclonal Ab Off-label drug for ITP
Inhibits B cells from producing Abs Reserved for patients with High risk of bleeding Failed treatment with corticosteroids/IVIg/Anti D Administered early : relapse free survival Optimal timing of administration Yet to be determined

22 Rituximab (Contd) Adequate hydration required
Monitor serum electrolytes & renal function Dose : 375 mg / m2 once weekly Repeated for 4 consecutive weeks Infused over a period of 4 hours Initial response in days Average 38 days

23 Rituximab(Contd) Adverse effects : Pruritis, urticaria Fever, chills
Nausea, vomiting Serum sickness Anti histamines / anti pyretics administered 30 mts prior to infusion Patients treated for > 12 months Infection Malignancies Pulmonary embolism Pneumonitis CNS hemorrhage

24 TPO-RAS / TRAS TPO Receptor Agonists Approved by FDA
Rapidly responding immunosuppressant Acts on both platelets & megakaryocytes ↑ Platelet production Approx 2 wks for desirable effects Uncertainty about Rx duration Effective in randomized trials Enable durable remissions

25 TPO-RAS/TRAS (Contd) Rx option for Refractory ITP Cross placenta
Safety in pregnancy not demonstrated Commonly used TPO RAS Eltrombopag Romiplostim TPO-RAS/TRAS (Contd)

26 Eltrombopag Double blind randomised control trials
Assessed efficacy & safety Route of administration : Oral Can be used in children Duration of remission based on Antibody levels Megakaryocyte pool in bone marrow Pl: count to be measured wkly Adverse effects Elevated hepatic enzymes Thromboembolic events

27 Romiplostim Used effectively in C/c ITP
Irrespective of splenectomy done or not ↑ Platelet count & ↓ bleeding Single IV / Subcutaneous dose Dose : 10 mcg / kg Initial response within 5-8 days Return to baseline by day 28 CBC to be monitored daily Till pl: count reaches 50 x 109 / L

28 Romiplostim (Contd) Adverse effects Headache, fatigue
Epistaxis, arthralgia Bone marrow reticulin formation Thromboembolism Romiplostim (Contd)

29 Other Immunosuppressive Agents
Mycophenolate Mofetil ( MMF) Rapamycin ( Sirolumus ) Azathioprine Cyclosporine MMF prevents proliferation of lymphocytes ↓ Antibody production

30 Combination therapy When monotherapy fails
More effective in C / c patients A) Triple therapy High dose Dexamethasone Low dose Rituximab Cyclosporine B) Combination of : TPO RAS Another immunosuppressant

31 Agents Under Trial Totrombopag Choline Thrombopoietin receptor agonist
Phase II trial LGD 4665 New molecular entity Small molecule Oral administration

32 Agents Under Trial(Contd)
MDX -33 Humanized monoclonal Ab Appears to be promising ARK – 501 Under trial Agents Under Trial(Contd)

33 Molecule Targeting Therapies
Anti CD 20 (Rituximab , Veltuzumab) Anti CD 40 L (IDEC 131, CD 154) Anti CD 52 (Alemtuzumab , Compath 1 H) Anti CD 80 / 86 (Abatacept , CTLA4 – IG) Anti IL 2 receptor (Daclizumab)

34 Platelet Transfusion When immediate hemostasis required
Effects transient Transfused platelets get opsonised Removed from circulation

35 Haematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation
Remission seen in few cases Newly formed pl: get opsonised Fatal toxicities GVHD Septicemia Reserved for severe refractory ITP with bleeding

36 Future Directions Targeting Neonatal Fc receptor (FcR)
↓ Half life of offending Ab ↑ Clearance of Ab Interference with TNF signalling TNF neutralising therapies Using Etanarcept & Infliximab Other ligands in TNF family : BAFF APRIL

37 Future Directions (Contd)
BAFF B cell activating factor in TNF family Monoclonal Ab used to block BAFF ↓ Production of offending Ab ↓ Platelet destruction APRIL Proliferation inducing ligand Essential for B cell survival During maturation in spleen Produced by monocytes / macrophages Blocking APRIL : ↓ Ab production

38 Conclusion No confirmatory tests for ITP
Novel therapies ↓ rate of splenectomy Rx regimes to be individualised Corticosteriod : drug of choice for initial Rx Rituximab : Off - label Rx

39 Conclusion (Contd) Before starting Rx consider Type of ITP
Duration of disease Cost involved Any additional risk factors Maintain pl: count at levels which ↓ risk of bleeding


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