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Welcome to Curriculum Night

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1 Welcome to Curriculum Night
Mrs. McMahon Third Grade

2 Mrs. McMahon's Curriculum Night
Daily Schedule Monday/Wednesday/Friday Tuesday Thursday 8:40 – 9:00 – Welcome Work Welcome Work Welcome Work 9:00 – 9:45 – Specials (PE/Art/PE) SS/Science SS/Science 9:45 – 10:30 – SS/Science Specials (PE) :45 – 11:15 Math 10:30 – 11:45 – Math Block Math Block :15 – 12:00 (Music) 11:45 – 12:15 – RTI RTI 12:15 – 1:00 – Lunch Lunch Lunch 1:00 – 3:20 - ELA Block ELA Block ELA Block 3:20 – 3:30 – Pack Up Pack Up Pack Up Sage Math – 10:30 – 11:15 Sage Reading – 1:30 – 2:15

3 RTI (Response to Intervention)
What is it? A targeted focus on concepts not mastered How are concepts determined? Monthly Unit Tests (not graded) Weekly Reading Tests Weekly Math Quizzes Mid and Post Math Tests What does it look like? Small Groups with Teacher Partner Activities/Computer Activities Small Groups with Volunteers

4 Math Scope and Sequence
Properties of Multiplication and Division and solving problems with units 2-5 and 10 Place Value and Problem Solving with Units of Measure Multiplication and Division with Units of 0, 1, 6–9, and Multiples of 10 Multiplication and Area Fractions as Numbers on the Number Line Collecting and Displaying Data Geometry and Measurement Word Problems ** Learning Objectives concentrate on using words, numbers, and pictures to explain how a problem was solved

5 Math Block What does it look like?
Write to Explain – use numbers, words, and pictures to explain the answer to a word problem Learnzillion Video – related to the concept of learning objective Whole Group Instruction – use dry erase boards and small group interaction to understand learning objective Independent/Partner (Problem Set) – practice concept taught Exit Ticket – complete 1-2 questions independently that demonstrate what you have learned/ what needs to be retaught Every Friday Weekly Quizzes, Whole Group Review Activities, and Choice Board Activities Sage Math– 10:30 – 11:15, then Responsible for: Exit tickets (to determine any gaps), Problem Sets (if needed), Choice Board Activities Differentiation – Pretests and weekly quizzes will determine concepts mastered – Choice Board Activities will replace Problem Sets if mastery is shown

6 Where do grades come from? Where does curriculum come from?
Math Information What is a DVMA? This is a district assessment taken 3 times a year to help guide instruction. These are not taken for a grade. Homework Monday – Thursday a sheet with 3-5 problems that practice a previously taught concept Where can I get help? Learnzillion Videos link on our website Where do grades come from? 30% - Classwork (Problem Sets, Exit Tickets) 30% - Projects ( Choice Board Activities) 40% -Weekly Quizzes, Mid- Module and End of Module Assessments Where does curriculum come from? Engage NY Common Core Georgia Teacher Created Materials

7 ELA Block 1:00 – 3:20 ELA?? – English Language Arts – Reading, Writing, and Spelling What does it look like? Monday – Thursday 1:00 –1:30 Whole Group Instruction Literary Elements – Cause/Effect, Fact/Opinion, Draw Conclusions, Make Inferences, Author’s Purpose, Close Reads –  students practice providing evidence and justification for their answers 1:30 – 2:30 Daily 4 Rotations 2:30 – 3:20 – Writing/Spelling Friday – Spelling Test, Reading Test, Computer Lab Differentiation: Weekly Tests and Monthly Unit tests will determine Mastery. Choice Board Activities will be completed during Daily 4 rotations if mastery is shown.

8 Daily 4 – 1:30 – 2:30 - (4) 15 minute rotations
Read to Self (Lexile Book) Word Work (literary elements, comprehension, vocabulary) Work on Writing (Journal Prompt) As Needed Meet with Teacher Once a Week Computer (newsela, pearson) Read to Someone Listening Station

9 Literary Elements Character/Setting/Theme/Plot Sequence of Events
Compare/Contrast Author’s Purpose Main Idea/Details Draw Conclusions/Make Inferences Generalize Graphic Sources Fact/Opinion Cause/Effect

10 Sage Students Participate in Whole Group Instruction – 1:00 – 1:30
Sage Reading – 1:30 – 2:15 – w/Mrs. Coiro Responsible for Journal Prompt during Daily 4 Meet with Teacher if needed Complete all Spelling/Writing activities from 2:30 – 3:20 Complete Weekly and Monthly reading tests to determine any gaps

11 Writing Create “Well Written” Paragraphs
Topic/Concluding Sentence Transition Words Adjectives/Adverbs Compound Sentences Uses evidence from text to support main idea Weekly Journal Prompts – use evidence from the story of the week to create a Sequence of Events, Main Idea/Details, or Plot/Theme Weekly Written Response Quiz – use details (evidence) from the story of the week to support a response to a prompt

12 Multi Paragraph Essays
Writing – 2:30 – 3:20 Research National Symbols/Monuments Animal Adaptations American History Events World History Events Timelines Biographies Multi Paragraph Essays 3 Branches of Government Life Cycle of a Plant Animal Adaptations Different Types of Rocks Eagle vs. Turkey as National Bird Layers of the Earth Wants vs. Needs Goods vs. Services Biographies

13 Where do grades come from? Where does curriculum come from?
ELA Information What is a DVLA? This is a district assessment, for writing, taken 3 times a year to help guide instruction. These are not taken for a grade. Homework A Reading Packet is sent home each Monday which contains 3 pages that practice spelling, vocabulary and the literary element for the week. It is due on Friday. In addition, 15 minutes of reading should be completed each night. Where do grades come from? 30% - Classwork (Daily 4 Choice Boards, Journal Prompts) 30% - Projects (Research, Multi Paragraph Essays) 40% -Weekly Reading Tests, Fresh Read Quizzes, Written Response Quizzes Where does curriculum come from? Pearson Teacher Created Materials

14 Science Scope and Sequence
1st Quarter Describe the function of plant structures Understand life cycles of plants and animals Identify plant and animal adaptations 2nd Quarter Identify basic properties of earth materials Discuss the layers of the earth Describe different types of rocks Describe Fossils 3rd Quarter Investigate different forms of energy Light Sound 4th Quarter Inquiry Process – questioning, planning, and conduction investigations

15 Social Studies Scope and Sequence
1st Quarter Describe rights and responsibilities of citizenship Describe national symbols and monuments Discuss the 3 branches and different levels of government Discuss how laws are made 2nd Quarter Use resource materials to research people and events of the past Create timelines to identify time sequences in History 3rd Quarter Discuss wants vs. needs Discuss goods vs. services Discuss different ways to earn $ Discuss different types of maps Construct maps, charts, and graphs 4th Quarter Use resource materials to research people and events of the past Create timelines to identify time sequences in History

16 Social Studies/Science Information
Where do grades come from? 30% - Classwork (Activities, Passages/Comprehensi on) 30% - Projects (Research) 40% -Unit Assessments Where does curriculum come from? Pearson Foss Kits Teacher Created Materials Homework Some research activities Animal Habitat Project Biography Project

17 Character Counts My Goal:  Students will be safe, respectful and responsible for their behavior choices. My Character Always Behavior Plan is tied to our school wide plan called Character Counts, and the school wide behavior plan called Character Always. They both are based on the six pillars of character.  Trustworthiness   Reponsibility  Citizenship Respect Fairness  Caring

18 Important Information
Daily Folder Please check and return to school everyday Please do not take any papers out Work In Progress – Activities we are currently working on, but not due yet Missing Work/Homework – Unfinished work (please check due dates) and homework (Please try and complete these at home so they can be turned in on time) Monthly Calendar – Behavior Chart Color and important dates recorded Completed Work Folder Graded work and important school information will be sent home every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday in their Completed Work Folder.  You may keep all of these papers at home.

19 Important Information
Homework Weekly Reading Packet - Due by Friday    Nightly Math Page - Due the following day  Read for 10-15 minutes each night Occasional Research Activities Grading Policies All assignments must be turned in within two days of the due date, or a grade of 50% will automatically be recorded. Test scores 60% or lower can be retaken, if homework has been completed. 30% - Classwork 30% - Projects 40% - Assessments 0% - Homework

20 Communication Weekly Newsletter – send via and posted on our website Contact Information I am usually in the classroom by 8:00 in the morning. The best way to contact me is by , I check my s before school, during my prep, during my lunch (12: :45),  and after school. If you have an emergency after 12:30, please contact the office and they will get me the message. You can also call and leave me a message ( ), and I will return your call within 24 hours

21 Common Core Where can I find common core curriculum for third grade?
Curriculum link on our website:

22 Questions?? Volunteers?? Addresses??

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