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Test Your Astronomical Awareness (for fun only!)

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Presentation on theme: "Test Your Astronomical Awareness (for fun only!)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Test Your Astronomical Awareness (for fun only!)

2 Summer Heat It’s hot in the summer months because the Earth is somewhat closer to the Sun in Jun-Jul-Aug, farther away in Dec-Jan-Feb.

3 Black Holes If the Sun became a black hole, the Earth (and the planets that are even closer to it, Venus and Mercury) would be sucked into it.

4 Weightlessness The astronauts in the International Space Station experience weightlessness because they are orbiting so high up that the Earth’s gravity is essentially negligible.

5 Lunar Phases The changing phases of the Moon are a consequence of the changing amount of the Earth’s shadow that falls on it.

6 Christopher Columbus Before the time of Columbus, learned people in Europe believed the world to be flat.

7 Circulating Water Water draining from a sink or toilet circulates in one direction in the Northern hemisphere, but in the opposite sense in the Southern hemisphere.

8 From ‘Down Under’ From Sydney, Australia, the Moon appears upside-down relative to the way we see it in Kingston, Canada.

9 How did we do? The answers are: False True

10 Relevant Evidence

11 Earth and Moon (from a space probe on the way to Mars)


13 Columbus

14 The European Understanding

15 Swirling Waters

16 But: Hurricane Ivan, 2004

17 Upside Down? Consider This


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