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DHS Announcements.

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1 DHS Announcements

2 2019 Prom Ticket Flash Sale! DHS’s Junior-Senior Prom will be held on April 26, 2019 at the Georgia Aquarium Oceans Ballroom Final Sale of tickets is January 1, 2019 – February 28, 2019 for $130 Tickets will be issued on Friday, April 26, 2019

3 Attention: 9th Grade Students
Please be sure to charge your Chromebooks every evening during testing! Thank you

4 The Helen Ruffing Reading Bowl
The reading bowl will meet on Mondays and Tuesdays at 3:30pm in the library

5 Printing from Chromebooks
Students are only able to print from their Chromebooks at this time Students will need to deposit a minimum of $1 to set up a printing account Any questions, please see M. Daniels in the library

6 National Honor Society
National Honor Society invitations will be distributed from January 22nd to February 5, 2019 Invitations should be picked up by 3:30 on February 5th See Mr. V. in room 227 if you have questions

7 Georgia Gwinnett College
If you are interested in attending Georgia Gwinnett College, there will be an information session during IF on Thursday, January 24th in the counseling office

8 Kennesaw State University
There will be a college tour to Kennesaw State University on Wednesday, January 23rd The cost is $40 which includes lunch Payment in cash or money order only and completed permission forms are given to Mr. Westry Deadline is Monday, December 21st

9 Florida A&M University (FAMU) Atlanta Alumni Chapter College Tour
Florida A&M University Atlanta Alumni Chapter College is sponsoring a Spring Preview College Tour to FAMU on Friday, March 29th – 30th Cost of the tour is $150 which includes transportation, hotel, and most meals Information on the tour is in the counseling office

10 ASVAB Scores have arrived!
Please see Mr. Westry in the counseling office to obtain your score report

11 ASVAB Test The Spring ASVAB test will be administered on March 13th from 9am-12pm Sign up in the counseling office

12 Black History Program If you are interested in being a part of the Black History Program, please see Dr. Jolly in room 308 to sign up Students are needed for all areas

13 Drama Club and Thespian Society
All students interested in joining, please plan to come to the new members meeting on January 28, 2019 at 3:30 in room 308 with Mr. Jolly If you are already in the Drama Club and Thespian Society, please attend meetings on Mondays and Wednesdays from 3:30 to 4:30 to help prepare for New Members Monday on January 28 at 3:30

14 Attention Seniors Please bring your College Acceptance Letters
Principal Shaw will be providing a Principal’s Luncheon in celebration of your acceptance Deadline for submitting the letters is January 31st

15 Chromebooks Students who need a loaner Chromebook will need to check out the loaner by 9:00am each morning There will be no Chromebooks distributed throughout the day All loaners are due back by 3:00pm, daily

16 Advanced Academy Registration will take place on January 24th and February 7th at the Academy for Advanced studies from 5:30pm-7:30pm for students interested in taking classes at the Academy for Advance Studies for the school year

17 Lacrosse Tryouts Girls who are interested in playing Lacrosse, tryouts will be held on January 22nd, 23rd, and 25th from 3:35pm-5:45pm All players must have a current physical on file

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