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Miss Khayrat Elmatrabie

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1 Miss Khayrat Elmatrabie
Unit 5 Period 4 Miss Khayrat Elmatrabie

2 Choose: 1- Let us …………… (go – going – to go) for a walk.
2- Shall we ………….. (having – to have – have) a rest? 3- I prefer ………….. (walking – to walk – walk) alone. 4- I advise you …………….. ( to take – taking – take ) more exercise.




6 1 Let me . Maybe I can see what the problem is 2 I wasn’t sure what the answer was but I . 3 I’m getting tired. Shall we stop and ? 4 It doesn’t matter if you do it wrong. Just . 5 Let’s stop and at that café. 6 I wasn’t being serious. I was just with you. have a look had a guess have a rest have a try have a drink having a joke


8 first second

9 increase/decrease - import / export – present – upset - survey
1 I’m looking for a to give my brother. VERB / NOUN He is going to a news programme on Palestine TV VERB / NOUN 2 Before oil fields were discovered, the country had to most of its oil. VERB / NOUN The companies their products to other countries VERB / NOUN ‘present pre’sent im’port ex’port


11 increase/decrease - import / export – present – upset - survey
3 I don’t understand what I did to you so much. VERB / NOUN She’s very sorry for the she caused. VERB / NOUN 4 We hope that next year we will be able to our sales. VERB / NOUN Unfortunately, there has been a in the number of people who walk. VERB/ Noun 5 I recommend you the scene from the top of the hill. VERB / NOUN A new shows that walking is even better for health than people thought VERB / NOUN up’set ‘upset in’crease ‘decrease sur’vey ‘survey

12 It’s going to rain. You’d better take an umbrella.
Examples It’s going to rain. You’d better take an umbrella. It’s getting late. We’d better hurry. You’d better not forget to phone him or he’ll be angry.

13 Complete the grammar rules
1 -The phrase had better (without to) is used for strong advice and warning .. 2 We can use the phrase to give advice to or to other people. 3 We make the phrase negative by adding not the infinitive. 4 It is usual to use the contracted form ( ) instead of the full form. infinitive ourselves before ’d better


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