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Descriptive Writing-The Remix

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1 Descriptive Writing-The Remix
Date: Ms. Hines ELA-7

2 Painting A Picture With Words
Descriptive Writing Painting A Picture With Words

3 A description is a picture in words that helps the reader see, hear, taste, smell, or feel something that the writer has experienced.

4 Imagery Imagery is the use of words to create images, or mental pictures. Imagery helps you picture how something: * looks * sounds * smells * tastes * feels

5 What sense is being used in the following sentences? Provide evidence.
1. The puppy was black with three white paws and one white ear. It had a long tail with a white tip.

6 What sense is being used in the following sentences? Provide evidence.
2. As we walked into the room, the floor boards creaked. We knocked into a table and the glass vase hit the floor. Crash!

7 What sense is being used in the following sentences? Provide evidence.
3. The chocolate cake was so delicious. It had peanut butter frosting which melted in your mouth.

8 What sense is being used in the following sentences? Provide evidence.
4. As we pulled into the driveway, I could tell the hamburgers and hot dogs were on the grill.

9 The cool rain was hitting us in the face as we ran to the bus.
What sense is being used in the following sentences? Provide evidence. 5. The cool rain was hitting us in the face as we ran to the bus.

10 Descriptive Writing Example
The Best Possible Vacation The first time I went to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, I knew that this was just the kind of vacation I would always love.

11 Descriptive Writing Example
As I sat on the beach, I felt the gentle breeze coming from the water. The warm sun was shining on the water making it sparkle. It was so peaceful. The waves crashing against the shore were soothing.

12 An effective written description is one that presents a clear picture to your reader.
A successful description uses vivid vocabulary, including colorful adjectives and figurative language. An interesting description attracts the reader’s attention.

13 What is being described? How is it being described?
Read this descriptive introduction from an informational text: “Dark shapes glide through the night sky on silent wings, their sinister shadows outlined against the light of a full moon. Swooping down to the earth, they hover near houses and deserted buildings, breaking the peace of the night with their disturbing presence. Carriers of disease, drinkers of blood, companions of witches and demons… What is being described? How is it being described?

14 “Dark shapes glide through the night sky on silent wings, their sinister shadows outlined against the light of a full moon. Swooping down to the earth, they hover near houses and deserted buildings, breaking the peace of the night with their disturbing presence. Carriers of disease, drinkers of blood, companions of witches and demons, bats – the very word brings a shiver of fear to most people.” ~ Sylvia A. Johnson, Bats

15 Description of the Wind
“Anybody could see how cold it got. The wind already had glass edges to it, stiffening muscles and practically cutting through the stitches of our clothes. When it blew, the chill stabbed our teeth like icicles, and our voices jiggled every time we talked.” From Parrot in the Oven: Mi Vida by Victor Martinez

16 Things to Remember About Descriptive Writing
Be specific, not vague. Elaborate (add more details and expand your ideas). Use vivid vocabulary (strong nouns, verbs, and adjectives). Include details that relate to your five senses.

17 Purpose of Descriptive Writing
Describe something in an original and unique way so that it appeals to the five senses Touch it Taste it Hear it See it Smell it

18 Keys of Being Descriptive
Be original Be creative Stretch your imagination For example, instead of this: The hot, yellow sun went behind the mountain and covered the valley in red. Try this: The sun cut itself on a sharp peak and bled into the valley. -John Steinbeck

19 Descriptive Writing Any Questions???

20 Work Period Write a descriptive paragraph of a famous or popular place. SHHHHH!  Do not tell anyone what you are writing about. It’s a secret.  You will share, and your classmates will have to guess the place that you described. Due: Tomorrow,

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