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Recent Developments in Regional Accounts

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1 Recent Developments in Regional Accounts
Andreas Krüger Eurostat C-2 4. Oct. 2011 13-Jul-07

2 Structure of the Presentation
Data collection New NACE and NUTS classifications Quality assurance of regional GDP and population Task Force Manual on Regional Accounts New ESA Data Transmission Programme 2 / 8 Name of the presentation

3 Data Collection: Member States
Table 1200 almost complete Table 1000: EMPL in hours worked available for most MS, but time series still relatively short for some MS (e.g. HU, PL, UK) GFCF improved, but is still a problem, some NSIs are 2 years behind. Further improvement required. Further small historical data gaps Table 1300: 2008 missing for BG, EU Aggregate affected 3 / 8 Name of the presentation

4 Data Collection: Candidate Countries
Croatia makes steady progress GVA and EMPL available as from 2000, GFCF as from 2001 HH accounts now urgent Compensation of employees missing FYROM: Catches up GVA and Total Employment available as from 2000 Most urgent: Employees and household accounts Turkey: Substantial progress necessary GVA available, but too late, only at level 2 and only at A 3 breakdown Most urgent: GVA at level 3, EMPL in persons Reliable transmission at T + 24 required All other variables missing 4 / 8 Name of the presentation

5 New NACE and NUTS Classifications
NACE Rev. 2: Applicable to transmission of 2009 data on 31 Dec 2011 Not all NSIs are able to implement this year Ref. years 2000 to 2008 due in 2012 Parallel dissemination of NACE Rev. 1.1 and NACE Rev. 2 data for up to 2 years NUTS 2010: Implemented as from 1 January 2012 First data transmission in NUTS 2010 as per 31 Dec 2012 Dataset for regional funds still based on NUTS 2006 5 / 8 Name of the presentation

6 Quality assurance of regional GDP and population
Programme adopted by DMES in June 2010 Objective: Ensure quality of the 2012 dataset All Inventory assessment questionnaires returned Some Inventories were updated Country missions as from March 2011: DE, ES, EL, FR, UK, CZ, PL Follow-up for other MS in written form All information available on CIRCA 6 / 8 Name of the presentation

7 TF Manual on Regional Accounts
Set up by NAWG in March 2011 Participating MS: BE, DE, ES, IT, NL, AT, PL, SK, UK 5 meetings until end of 2012 (next meeting 18/19 Oct) Final report spring 2013 All documents and versions of draft manual available on CIRCA 7 / 8 Name of the presentation

8 New ESA Data Transmission Programme
Main Elements: Acceleration of Regional GDP Release by 12 months New key variable: GVA volume growth rates Collect regional population together with regional GVA Proposal of December 2010 available on CIRCA Negotiation in the Council WG ongoing since April, conclusion expected in 1st half 2012 Several NSIs have problems with A*10 at NUTS3 Regional Government expenditure was removed from the proposal Household consumption expenditure is voluntary Implementation with new ESA in Dec. 2014 8 / 8 Name of the presentation

9 Thank you for your attention

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