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Intro into Culture Human Behavior.

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Presentation on theme: "Intro into Culture Human Behavior."— Presentation transcript:

1 Intro into Culture Human Behavior

2 What is Culture? Culture: A shared set of beliefs, practices, and values that often result from shared experience or heritage Often passed on from parents/grandparents to their children. With a partner: Brainstorm the Cultures you belong to Think family, school, sports etc. But be specific. Come up with 5-10, be ready to share out

3 The POWER of Culture Culture enhances our lives with traditions
What are some traditions in your family? Culture structures the way we act Cultural diversity makes the world a very interesting place

4 Culture Finish this sentence in your head… All athletes are…
People on welfare are… All politicians are… All construction workers are… All Harvard graduates are….

5 Unfortunately, culture has been used to oppress groups, look down on others and form preconceived and often negative notions (stereotypes)

6 Cultural Competence Cultural Competence: Combination of skills, beliefs, attitudes, knowledge and behaviors that allow you to successfully interact with, and respect people from different cultural backgrounds

7 Developing Cultural Competence involves:
Learning about your own culture and understanding how it has shaped your life** Gain knowledge of other cultures** Be aware of the stereotypes you may have Be an advocate for people of other groups

8 Cultural Competence Long-term and life-long process
How long does it take to be cultural competent? Long-term and life-long process

9 The end. Let’s learn about the diverse world we live in…

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