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Presentation on theme: "NAME THAT TITLE STATION"— Presentation transcript:

Read and listen to each poem. Think of a title. Write your title on the poster for the poem Then click the arrow to reveal the poet’s title.

2 Name That Title #1   Today a truck heaped with watermelons at the corner - fat, stacked bodies striped like animals   The sign said "75 cents and up" An old man shaded his head with a newspaper   "And up" - the great American twist You know he meant one midget for The other hundred, $3.50     Naomi Shihab Nye

3 Name That Title #1 Watermelon truck

4 Name That Title #2 I shot an arrow toward the sky, It hit a white cloud floating by. The cloud fell dying to the shore, I don't shoot arrows anymore.   Shel Silverstein

5 Name That Title #2 Arrows

6 Name That Title #3 After a long muggy hanging day the raindrops started so sparse the bumblebee flew between them home.   -A.R. Ammons

7 Name That Title #3 release

8 Did that one stump you? Why do you think the poet chose that title?

9 Name that title #4 Purple ball for the puppy.
He's feeling pretty nippy. Needs to run, maybe. Chases purple bird and furry squirrels - he's zigging, they're zagging. Puppy tail wags. Now he drinks cool water with his purple tongue slurping. Julie Larios

10 Name that title #4 Purple puppy

11 Name That Title #5 Dogs go in the back seat, Always in the back seat,
Miles in the back seat, Hours in the back seat. But in the parking lots of shopping centers, You’ll see: Dogs get their chance At last To drive. James Stevenson

12 Name That Title #5 At last

13 Did you get stumped again
Did you get stumped again? Sometimes the authors will use a line from the poem as the title. See if you can get the last one.

14 Name That Title #6 Ice Cream on a stick,
Covered with cold, shiny chocolate, Or ice cream heaped up in a cone, Dripping fast on a hot day, Or ice cream in a big blue bowl And a spoon you can take your time with- Which is the best? It is too soon To give the answer. I have more testing To do. Sandra Cisneros

15 Name That Title #6 Which is the best?

16 Great Job! Be sure to look at each poster and
read what others thought the titles would be.


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