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Click Here to Begin the Game

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1 Click Here to Begin the Game
European Settlement Jeopardy Directions: Click Here to Begin the Game

2 The English in the Americas Jamestown and Plymouth Colony
New Spain New France The English in the Americas Jamestown and Plymouth Colony 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500

3 Missions Spain established these to spread Christianity throughout its new lands. Row 1, Col 1

4 French traders were eager to get this from the Native Americans.
Beaver Fur French traders were eager to get this from the Native Americans. 1,2

5 This English pirate led a crew in sailing around the world.
Francis Drake This English pirate led a crew in sailing around the world. 1,3

6 The first permanent English settlement in North America.
Jamestown The first permanent English settlement in North America. 1,4

7 Buffer Zone Spain established this in the northern borderlands to protect its colonies form those of other European nations. 2,1

8 Louisiana In the 1600s, this area stretched from the Appalachians to the Rockies and from the Great Lakes to the Gulf of Mexico. 2,2

9 Sea Dogs Queen Elizabeth I protected these people because they shared their wealth with the English government. 2,3

10 Powhatan Confederacy The English settlers at Jamestown seized the crops of these people. The also fought them, defeated them, and took their lands. 2,4

11 Armada A fleet of warships. 3,1

12 Quebec This was a settlement built by the French on the St. Lawrence River in a place the Hurons called kebec. 3,2

13 Sea Dogs Commanders of English warships known for stealing Spanish treasure. They were pirates. 3,3

14 Separatists or Pilgrims
These people left England to be able to follow their own religion freely. 3,4

15 Hacienda This is a self-sufficient estate where ranchers produce most of what they need to live. 4,1

16 A colony owned and ruled by one person.
Proprietary Colony A colony owned and ruled by one person. 4,2

17 Roanoke Island Also known as The Lost Colony, this colony was the first attempt at English settlement of North America. It failed. 4,3

18 An agreement among the men on the Mayflower to govern themselves
Mayflower Compact An agreement among the men on the Mayflower to govern themselves 4,4

19 Spanish soldiers built these forts in the northern borderlands.
Presidios Spanish soldiers built these forts in the northern borderlands. 5,1

20 A colony rule directly by a monarch.
Royal Colony A colony rule directly by a monarch. 5,2

21 Raw Material A resource that can be used to make a product. The English were very interested in find and shipping these from their land in North America. 5,3

22 John Smith This man made a rule for the colonists of Jamestown: If you don’t work, you don’t eat. 5,4

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