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Volume 113, Issue 5, Pages (September 2017)

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1 Volume 113, Issue 5, Pages 1012-1024 (September 2017)
Conformational Heterogeneity and FRET Data Interpretation for Dimensions of Unfolded Proteins  Jianhui Song, Gregory-Neal Gomes, Tongfei Shi, Claudiu C. Gradinaru, Hue Sun Chan  Biophysical Journal  Volume 113, Issue 5, Pages (September 2017) DOI: /j.bpj Copyright © 2017 Biophysical Society Terms and Conditions

2 Figure 1 Unfolded-state dimensions of Protein L obtained from SAXS and various interpretations of smFRET experiments. Open and solid squares are results from previous time-resolved and equilibrium SAXS experiments by Plaxco et al. (46) at 2.7 ± 0.5° and 5 ± 1°C, respectively. The associated error bars represent 1 SD fitting uncertainties (kinetic data) or confidence intervals from two to three independent measurements (thermodynamic data). Subsequent equilibrium SAXS measurement at 22°C by Yoo et al. (43) produced essentially identical results. Open and solid diamonds are results from smFRET experiments, respectively, by Merchant et al. (17) (Eaton group, temperature not provided) and by Sherman and Haran conducted at “room temperature” (16). These prior experimental data were compared in a similar manner in (43). Here, the open and solid circles are from our analysis corresponding, respectively, to the most-probable Rg0 (21) and the root-mean-square 〈Rg2〉 value based on the experimental transfer efficiency 〈E〉 = 0.74 for [GuHCl] = 0 given by Merchant et al. (17), the 〈E〉 values for Protein L (corrected from the measured FRET efficiency 〈Em〉) in SI Table 2 for the same reference, and the 〈E〉 values for [GuHCl] = 1 and 7 M in Sherman and Haran (16). A Förster radius of R0 = 55 Å was used in our calculations. The error bars for the solid circles span ranges delimited by 〈Rg2〉±σ(Rg2), where σ(Rg2) is the SD of the distribution of Rg2 at the given E value. The horizontal dashed line marks the Rg = 25.3 Å value we obtained from applying the scaling relation of Kohn et al. (71) to N = 74, where n = N + 1 = 75 is taken to be the equivalent number of amino acid residues for Protein L plus dye linkers. To see this figure in color, go online. Biophysical Journal  , DOI: ( /j.bpj ) Copyright © 2017 Biophysical Society Terms and Conditions

3 Figure 2 Large variations in dimensions among conformations with a given end-to-end distance REE. (a) Root-mean-square 〈Rg2〉 and (b) the square root of the SD of Rg2 as functions of REE. The gray profile in (a) shows the theoretical transfer efficiency Eq. 1 for n = 75 and R0 = 55 Å in a vertical scale ranging from zero to unity. (c–f) Example conformations with the darker shaded (red and blue online) beads marking the termini of n = 75 chains. They serve to illustrate the possible concomitant occurrences of (c) small REE = 19.7 Å and large Rg = 26.3 Å; (d) large REE = 80.1 Å and large Rg = 26.2 Å; (e) small REE = 19.7 Å and small Rg = 14.2 Å; and (f) large REE = 80.4 Å and small Rg =19.8 Å. These examples underscore that there is no general one-to-one mapping from 〈REE〉 to 〈Rg〉. To see this figure in color, go online. Biophysical Journal  , DOI: ( /j.bpj ) Copyright © 2017 Biophysical Society Terms and Conditions

4 Figure 3 Perimeters of inference on conformational dimensions from Förster transfer efficiency. (a) Distribution P(Rg, E) of conformational population as a function of Rg and E for n = 75 and R0 = 55 Å. The distribution was computed using REE × Rg bins of 1.0 Å × 0.5 Å. White area indicate bins with no sampled population. (b) Shown here is the most-probable radius of gyration Rg0(〈E〉) from our previous subensemble SAW analysis (21) (black solid curve) compared against root-mean-square radius of gyration 〈Rg2〉(E) (red solid curve) computed by considering 30 subensembles with narrow ranges of REE. The latter overlaps almost completely with 〈Rg〉(E) computed using the same set of subensembles (blue solid curve). Another set of Rg0 (〈E〉) values (black dotted curve) and another set of 〈Rg〉(E) values (blue dashed curve) were obtained from the distribution in (a), respectively, by averaging over E at given Rg values and by averaging over Rg at given E values. Variation of radius of gyration is illustrated by the red dashed curves for 〈Rg2〉±σ(Rg2) as functions of E. The essential coincidence between the black solid and dotted curves and between the blue solid and dashed curves indicate that these results are robust with respect to the choices of bin size we have made. Note that the black solid curve for Rg0(〈E〉) does not cover 〈E〉 values close to zero or close to unity because larger Rg bin sizes (∼1.1–3.6 Å) than the current Rg bin size of 0.5 Å were used (Table S5 of (21)), thus precluding extreme values of 〈E〉 to be considered in that previous n = 75 subensemble SAW analysis (21). This limitation is now rectified for n = 75 (black dotted curve). Biophysical Journal  , DOI: ( /j.bpj ) Copyright © 2017 Biophysical Society Terms and Conditions

5 Figure 4 Substantially overlapping distributions of conformational dimensions can be consistent with very different Förster transfer efficiencies. (a) Given here are hypothetical distributions P(REE) of end-to-end distance REE. Two hypothetical sharp distributions at two REE values (vertical bars) and two hypothetical broad Gaussian distributions (bell curves) are centered at these two REE values, with SD of the Gaussian distributions chosen to be 20.3 Å. (b) Given here is the corresponding distribution P(E) of Förster transfer efficiency E. The left and right sharp distributions of P(REE) in (a) lead, respectively, to E ≈ (right) and E ≈ (left) in (b). The corresponding P(E) for the hypothetical Gaussian distributions in (a) entail broad distributions in E in (b) with mean values at 〈E〉 = (right) and 〈E〉 = (left), respectively. (c) The left and right curves are the conditional distributions P(Rg2|E), respectively, for the sharply defined E ≈ and E ≈ 0.447 in (b). (d) Similar to (c) except the distributions of Rg2 are now for the two broad P(E) distributions in (b). We denote these distributions as P(Rg2|〈E〉). The Rg2 bin size in (c and d) is 1.0 Å2. The OVL of the two normalized distribution curves in (c and d) are, respectively, and The percentages of population with Rg2 ≥ 625 Å in the distributions in (c and d) are, respectively, 9.2 and 10.1% for E ≈ and 〈E〉 = 0.735, and 25.2 and 26.3% for E ≈ and 〈E〉 = To see this figure in color, go online. Biophysical Journal  , DOI: ( /j.bpj ) Copyright © 2017 Biophysical Society Terms and Conditions

6 Figure 5 Ambiguities in FRET inference of conformational dimensions. The heat map provides for n = 75 and R0 = 55 Å the overlapping coefficient OVL(Rg2)E1,E2 of pairs of Rg2 distributions conditioned upon FRET efficiencies E1 and E2. Contours on the heat map are for OVL(Rg2)E1,E2 = 0.8, 0.6, 0.4, and 0.2, as indicated by the scale on the right. To see this figure in color, go online. Biophysical Journal  , DOI: ( /j.bpj ) Copyright © 2017 Biophysical Society Terms and Conditions

7 Figure 6 Most probable and root-mean-square radius of gyration. Shown here is generalization of the Rg0(〈E〉) (solid black curve traversing across the shaded region in each panel at a steeper incline), and 〈Rg2〉(E) (curve at a milder incline in the middle of the shaded region in each panel) for R0 = 55 Å and n = 75 in Fig. 3 to other Förster radii R0 and chain lengths n. The shaded areas are bound by 〈Rg2〉(E)±σ(Rg2)(E), which were represented by red dashed curves in Fig. 3. As discussed in the text, the 〈Rg2〉(E) curves computed here for sharply defined E values are expected to apply also to 〈Rg2〉(〈E〉) for essentially symmetric distributions of E where 〈E〉 denotes the mean value of E in such distributions. As pointed out above for Fig. 3, the black Rg0(〈E〉) curves shown here do not cover 〈E〉 values close to zero or unity because of the relatively large Rg bin sizes used previously (21). To see this figure in color, go online. Biophysical Journal  , DOI: ( /j.bpj ) Copyright © 2017 Biophysical Society Terms and Conditions

8 Figure 7 A hypothetical resolution of the Protein L smFRET-SAXS puzzle. The two distributions depicted by the black and red curves are from Fig. 4 d, for 〈E〉 = 0.74 and 〈E〉 = 0.45, respectively. For Rg2 ≥ 625 Å, the area shaded in pink is under the 〈E〉 = 0.45 (red) distribution but above the 〈E〉=0.74 (black) distribution, whereas the area shaded in gray is under the 〈E〉 = 0.74 (black) distribution. The Rg2 < 625 Å areas that are in lighter shades are mirror reflections of the corresponding Rg2 ≥ 625 Å areas with respect to Rg2 = 625 Å. The sum total of the pink-plus-gray area (∼50% of P(Rg2|〈E〉 = 0.45)) represents a hypothetical ensemble with 〈E〉 ≈ 0.45 and Rg2≈25 Å, whereas the gray area (∼20% of P(Rg2|〈E〉 = 0.74)) represents a hypothetical ensemble with 〈E〉 ≈ 0.74 but nonetheless the same Rg2≈25 Å. Shown on the right are example conformations in these restricted ensembles, as marked by the arrows. Both conformations have Rg2 = 700 Å2 (Rg = 26.5 Å), but their different REE values entail different E values of ≈0.45 (top) and ≈0.74 (bottom). See text and Fig. 4 for further details. Biophysical Journal  , DOI: ( /j.bpj ) Copyright © 2017 Biophysical Society Terms and Conditions

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