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Theme fysical activity: Test ‘Every step counts’

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Presentation on theme: "Theme fysical activity: Test ‘Every step counts’"— Presentation transcript:

1 Theme fysical activity: Test ‘Every step counts’
lekker actief Theme fysical activity: Test ‘Every step counts’

2 Coöperation

3 Train the trainer Explanation of the walkingprogram
How to take the test?  to define the fitnesslevel of the walker Practise

4 Problem? Healthsurvey (2013):
Only just 22% of the people between the age of year old and 8% of the people older than 75 year old moves enough to has a positive impact on his health. If we compare tot the young adults (15 – 24 jaar): 43,5% has enough fysical activity. Participationsurvey of Prof. dr. Theeboom (2014): the sportsparticipation decreases while we grow older: 49,3% of the year old 31% of the year old 19,7% of the year old

5 Fysical activity is important, but …
What? Power and endurance  the ability to cope independent How we can motivate the ones with a lack of fycical activity? Accesible program: Practical Fysical possible Social Financial accesible WALKING gives the answer to all of this criteria

6 Walkingprogram Scientifically based
How many steps you have to take (continuous steps) are precise Duration = 10 weeks Starting level = depends on the result of the test 12 starting levels possible


8 Our tool = step counter

9 How to take the test? To define the starting level of the participant
Must happen standardised We have to take a few different fases Materials: Meter Chronometer/watch 2 cones (torque) Scorecard Calculator Flute For every walker: step counter

10 TEST– different fases 1. Questionary ‘How is my week?’ 2. Fill in data
3. Setting up the test 4. Figure the stride 5. Install the step counter 6. Come together at the starting line 7. Start test 8. Figure out the starting level

11 Fase 1: Questionary ‘How is my week?’
Sedentary or not? Normal week: fill in how many minutes you are active Amount! Less than 180 minutes/week = sedentary More than 180 minutes/week = not sedentary Write the result down on the compilationpage

12 heavy domestic work (fe. clean the floor, vacuuming …).
Minutes - light gardening (fe weeding) - Heavy gardening (fe dig, chop wood, trees pruning) - relax walking or cycling (recreative or daily movements) - brisk walking or cycling Light sports (fe volleyball, golf, dance, ...). minutes - Heavy sports (fe jogging, swimming, ...)

13 Fase 2: Fill in the data Ask every walker to fill in the next data on the scorecard. Date test: Name: Prename: Date of birth: .../ ... /... Weight: kg

14 Fase 3: Setting up test Measure a distance of exactly 20m
Use a clear torque in the beginning and the end 20m

15 Fase 4: Figure the stride
Let the walker walk the distance of 20 meter as quick as possible and let them count the number of steps. Afterwards note these on the compilationpage Let them repeat this test. Figure the stride (on the compilationpage). Let the walker note the stride on the scorecard.

16 Figuring the stride First attempt: ... steps (A)
Second attempt: steps (B) Average number of steps = (A+B)/2 = ... Stride = 20m/average nr. steps

17 Figuring the stride First attempt: 32 steps (A)
Second attempt: 30 steps (B) Average number of steps = (A+B)/2 = 31 Stride = 20m/average nr. steps = 0.645m = 65 cm

18 Install step counter Not easy – the more you practise, the easier it gets The data you have to put in: Hour, minutes Weight Stride

19 Fase 6: Come together at the starting line
Note the number of steps (on the step counter) on your scorecard (before starting the test). Reason: the step counter can’t be reset.

20 Fase 7: start test GOAL TEST
You have to try to walk (around the torques) as far as possible during 6 minutes, in your own fastest pace. At the end of the test: note your number of steps + the rate of your perceived exertion!

21 Test START TEST Remember the participants that they have to stand still after the final signal (after 6 minutes) Make a start Don’t support Don’t walk with them Announce when a minute is passed

22 Test END of the TEST Call ‘stop’ after exact 6 minutes and ask the participants to stay on their places Let the walker rate their perceived exertion and check the number of steps. Note these data on the scorecard.

23 Fase 8: Figure out your starting level
Based on the rate of perceived exertion and the distance they walked compilationpage 1. Rate of perceived exertion (Borgscale) Reduce these score: 6- 9 SCORE 4 SCORE 3 12-13 SCORE 2 >14 SCORE 1

24 6-minute walking test: number of steps Start: 3 steps
2. Distance Stride: 69cm = 0.69m 6-minute walking test: number of steps Start: steps Finish: steps Total (saldo start-finish): steps number of discarded meters = stride x saldo steps = 0.69 x 797 = 550 m

25 Figure out your starting level based on your rate of perceived exertion and the walked distance
Reduced score: 6- 9 SCORE 4 SCORE 3 12-13 SCORE 2 >14 SCORE 1 The reduced score multiplied with the walked distance (in meters) = definitive result = estimated starting level Fairly light  11 becomes score 3  3 x 550 (m) = 1650


27 Organisation groupsessions
Differentiation is important: not everebody walks at the same pace and distance. The number of steps in the scheme is a guideline. ...

28 Thank you for your attention!

29 Questions?

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