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Objective 4.3.

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1 objective 4.3

2 Vice President’s residence

3 34th Street and Massachusetts Ave. , Washington, D. C
34th Street and Massachusetts Ave., Washington, D.C. Has 9,150 square feet. Designated VP residence by Congress in July 1974 First time a VP lived there was in 1977.

4 role and responsibilities of the Vice President
Objective 4.3 role and responsibilities of the Vice President


6 Constitution says that he is President of the Senate:

7 as President of the Senate:
does not introduce legislation

8 as President of the Senate:
does not debate

9 as President of the Senate:
does not take part in legislative activities

10 as President of the Senate:
does recognize speakers

11 as President of the Senate:
does vote only if there is a tie

12 duties delegated by the President of the U.S.:

13 duties delegated by the President of the U.S.:
is often sent to foreign countries to represent the President

14 Presidential Succession Act (1947)
(additional facts) Presidential Succession Act (1947) listed the officials in line for the presidency

15 (additional facts) 25th Amendment (1967) makes clear that the VP becomes President if the President dies or leaves office…and chooses VP

16 (July 13, 1985 Reagan operation)
(additional facts) 25th Amendment (1967) also says VP takes over duties if President can’t function (July 13, 1985 Reagan operation)

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