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Chemical Kinetics Temperature Dependence of Reaction Rates

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1 Chemical Kinetics Temperature Dependence of Reaction Rates

2 This is the behaviour of k with temperature for many reactions.
Generally, as temperature increases, so does the reaction rate. This is because k is temperature dependent. “k versus T” This is the behaviour of k with temperature for many reactions. CHEM 3310

3 The curve can be fitted to a
Generally, as temperature increases, so does the reaction rate. This is because k is temperature dependent. The curve can be fitted to a y=aex relationship. CHEM 3310

4 “k versus Temperature”
In 1887, Svante Arrhenius suggested that rate constants vary exponentially with the reciprocal of the absolute temperature. “k versus Temperature” “ln k versus 1/T” k = b eaT It turns out all reactions have rate constants with this equation, but with different constants a and b for each reaction. CHEM 3310

5 In 1887, Svante Arrhenius suggested that rate constants vary exponentially with the reciprocal of the absolute temperature. Arrhenius’ Equation (The above equation is purely empirical.) Note: R is the gas constant (8.314 J mole-1 K-1, 1.98 cal mole-1 K-1) T is the temperature in Kelvin Ea is the activation energy 2. RT is in units of energy per mole, thus, Ea is also in units of energy per mole. A has the same units as the rate constant, k. A is a number that represents the likelihood that collisions would occur in a reaction. A is the frequency factor CHEM 3310

6 Other forms of Arrhenius’ Equation
1. Take the natural logarithm of both sides of the equation Linear form y = m x b When k is determined experimentally at several temperatures, Ea can be calculated from the slope of a plot of “ln k vs. 1/T” Slope = -Ea / R CHEM 3310

7 Other forms of Arrhenius’ Equation
Example Determine the activation energy for the decomposition of N2O5 from the following temperature dependence rate constant data. k (s1) Temperature (°C) 4.8x104 45.0 8.8x104 50.0 1.6x103 55.0 2.8x103 60.0 N2O5 (g)  2 NO2 (g) + ½ O2 (g) Recall: Rate = k [N2O5] CHEM 3310

8 Other forms of Arrhenius’ Equation
2. For two temperatures, Subtract the two equations Two k and temperatures form Note: A drops out of the equation when it is in this form. CHEM 3310

9 Other forms of Arrhenius’ Equation
Example Determine the rate constant at 35°C for the hydrolysis of sucrose, given that at 37°C it is 0.91 mL mole-1 sec-1. The activation energy of this reaction is 108 kJ/mol. Calculation shows that: k2/k1 = 1.31 An increase of 2oC increases the reaction rate by 31%. k1, the rate constant at 35oC is L mole-1 sec-1. Rate constant increases when T2>T1 k2 = 0.91 mL mole-1 sec-1 = 9.1 x 10-4 L mole-1 sec-1 T2 = 37oC = K T1 = 35oC = K Ea = 108 kJ mole-1 Calculate k1 CHEM 3310

10 Arrhenius’ Equation What else can we get from the slope of Arrhenius’ plot? High activation energy corresponds to a reaction rate that is very sensitive to temperature (slope of Arrhenius graph is steep) Slope = -Ea / R Small activation energy indicates a rate that varies only slightly with temperature. CHEM 3310

11 “k versus Temperature”
Why does the temperature dependence obey the relationship shown below? “k versus Temperature” “ln k versus 1/T” k = b eaT Is there any physical insights into the order of the reaction or the meaning of the constants (Ea/R) and A in this dependency? CHEM 3310

12 Second Order Reactions
Magnitudes of A and Ea First Order Reactions A (s-1) Ea kJ/mole) cyclopropene  propane 1.58 x 1015 272 2 N2O5  4 NO2 + O2 4.94 x 1013 103 N2O  N2 + O 7.94 x 1011 250 Second Order Reactions A (L mole-1s-1) Ea kJ/mole) Sucrose in acidic water 1.50 x 1015 107.9 CHEM 3310

13 As Ea increases, k decreases.
Summary Arrhenius Equation In natural logarithmic form, y = m x b Determine Ea from the slope. Determine A from the intercept. As Ea increases, k decreases. CHEM 3310

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