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Presentation on theme: "IEEE MEDIA INDEPENDENT HANDOVER DCN:"— Presentation transcript:

1 IEEE 802.21 MEDIA INDEPENDENT HANDOVER DCN: 21-06-0565-00-0000
Title: Proposal for Media Independent Neighbor Graphs in P802.21 Date Submitted: Feb, 16, 2006 Presented at IEEE session #13 in Denver Authors or Source(s): Liu Yuan , Dong Peiying Abstract: When the MN needs handover, it may request the MING information from MIH IS through the current connection to facilitate making the handover decision. This is a method about creating and maintaining the MING. We would get more helpful MING and perform handover more efficiently.

2 IEEE 802.21 presentation release statements
This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE Working Group. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. The contributor grants a free, irrevocable license to the IEEE to incorporate material contained in this contribution, and any modifications thereof, in the creation of an IEEE Standards publication; to copyright in the IEEE’s name any IEEE Standards publication even though it may include portions of this contribution; and at the IEEE’s sole discretion to permit others to reproduce in whole or in part the resulting IEEE Standards publication. The contributor also acknowledges and accepts that this contribution may be made public by IEEE The contributor is familiar with IEEE patent policy, as outlined in Section 6.3 of the IEEE-SA Standards Board Operations Manual < and in Understanding Patent Issues During IEEE Standards Development

3 Background In the current draft, MING is used for assisting the MN to make handover decision. Before a handover happens, the MN may get the MING information through the MIH Information Server from the current connection first, then choose the candidate POAs according to the information received. Since there is no need for the MN to open its network interfaces and scan the radio environments periodically, the MING information can facilitate the handover and help MN to save power consumption. Currently, MING can be created manually when system setting up and maintained through the MN’s reports after the handover. If there is a successful handover from one POA to another, an edge is added between these POAs in the MING , and if no handover happens between the two PoAs in a predefined time, the existing edge of them would be removed.

4 Background Base on the current method , the edge will be removed after a interval of time if there is no successful handover between the POAs, so the MING information is not available when a MN which wants to make a handover in the network. If there is a signal cover area overlapped between two POAs, a potential handover may be performed successfully from one POA to another even though no edge exists between them in MING, so this relationship of the two POAs in MING also should be provided to the MN. The method that use timer to maintain the MING is not suitable, the MING will degenerate to a vertex-only graph (no one edge) after a interval of time if no handover happens.

5 A efficient method for creation & maintenance of MING
A real line connects two POAs if there is a successful handover between them. When a new POA is added to the current network , the information such as network type, position (longitude, latitude), power etc should be reported to MIH Information Server (IS) . Base on these information, IS can calculate it’s signal cover area and add dotted lines from this POA to others which have signal cover areas overlapped with it in MING.

6 A efficient method for creation & maintenance of MING
PoA5 PoA4 MIH Information Server PoA2 PoA3 MN PoA1 Wired Connection Cover Area Overlapped Handover Happened

7 A efficient method for creation & maintenance of MING
If the MING information with dotted and real line edge between POAs is given to the MN, the MN should choose the POA which has a real line with the current PoA as the preferred candidate POA. The MN should report the information of it’s neighbor scanned to the IS, which will use it to update the dotted relation of the POAs: if there is no such relation then add it. If a dotted relation exists between two POAs , but in a interval of time no such report of these two POAs is sent to IS, this relation should be deleted. Such neighbor POA information might be reported not only in handover procedure but also in normal time. As a result, a new primitive pair Neighbor_POA_Reoport.request and Neighbor_POA_Report.response should be added to the protocol . Further more, we can add weight to the real line edge between the two POAs: when a successful handover occurred between these two POAs, if the original relation is dotted then change it to real line with weight 1, if the original is real line then add the edge weight 1. On the other hand, if in a predefined time no MN’s neighbor POA’s report or no handover between the POAs, the weight of the edge should be subtracted 1 , if the weight is 0 then change the real line to dotted line.

8 MIH Information Server
Terminal Old POA New POA MIH MAC Orig MAC New MAC MIH MAC MIH Old Link MIH_Get_Information.request MING_Get_Information.response Neighbor_POA_Report.request Neighbor_POA_Report.request Neighbor_POA_Report.response Neighbor_POA_Report.response Successful Handover Link_Handover_Complete.indication MING_POA_Report.request MING_POA_Report.request MING_POA_Report.response MING_POA_Report.response

9 A efficient method for creation & maintenance of MING
Every POA should report its information to the IS periodically, IS will use these information to update the dotted relation of the POAs. Upon above, when the MN wants to handover, it may get the MING from the IS through the current connection, then choose a candidate POA that have the biggest edge weight with the current POA, if no such POA , choose a dotted relation POA instead. With this method of creation and maintenance of MING, the MN can choose the candidate POA more efficiently, and increase the opportunity of successful handover.


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