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Biological Agents of Warfare and Terrorism

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1 Biological Agents of Warfare and Terrorism
Lecture Week 12 Medical Microbiology SBM 2044

2 Deliberately Emerging Infections
These microbes have been developed by man for nefarious use ‘Deliberate’ refers to : naturally occurring microbial agents such as anthrax bioengineered microorganisms such as those created by the insertion of genetic virulence factors that produce or exacerbate disease

3 Biological weapons Bioterrorism = the malevolent use of bacteria, viruses or toxins against humans, animals or plants in an attempt to cause harm and to create fear Biological weapons are inexpensive Nuclear and chemical weapons are times more costly to develop Produce fear and panic  overwhelm health care resources and destabilise government Attention and understanding (of treatment) on bioterrorism is important to avoid this imminent threat to national security

4 History Black Death of the 14th century
When the Tartars catapulted plague victims over the unassailable city walls in Kaffa Killed 50 million of people, that is almost half of the Europe at that time 1763, British troops in America used smallpox-infected blankets against the American Indians 1984, an attempt to affect election in a small Oregon town, the Rajneeshees cult poisoned 10 restaurant salad bars with Salmonella typhimurium and sickened more than 700 people

5 Read the article: Wheelis M. Biological warfare at the 1346 siege of Caffa. Emerg Infect Dis [serial online] 2002 Sep. Available from: URL: Tentative chronology of the initial spread of plague in the mid-14th century

6 Plague In the Islamic world, the Black Death had a particularly devastating effect militarily and economically. The rapid spread of the Plague through armies affected the outcome of several minor wars throughout the Islamic world. Even the strong Mamluk warriors in Egypt was sufficiently devastated by the Plague that the decline in its military capabilities was a significant factor in its demise and eventual defeat to the Ottoman Empire in the early 16th century. Also, the Muslim historian Ibn Khaldun, lost his parents to the Black Death.

7 The plague was accompanied by chaos and panic
The plague was accompanied by chaos and panic. People could not understand for what they were being punished.

8 Plague Also known as the Black Death, began in 1346 and wiped out ½ of Europe Pandemics of plague have ceased with the advent of antibiotics and improved rodent control But the outbreaks still occur Yersinia pestis as a biological weapon: is relatively stable in the environment organisms are enough to cause infection

9 Zoonotic infection of rodents
Flea drinks rat blood that carries the bacteria Fleas bite humans Bacteria migrate to lymph nodes Dissemination to bloodstream or other organs

10 Anthrax Caused by ________ that forms stable endospores when nutrients are limited The spores is the infectious particle naturally stable, resistant to destruction (heat, dessication) the “weaponization” of anthrax spores by drying and milling generates a unit spores size Symptoms: Illness begins 1 to 6 days after exposure Flulike: fever, myalgia, malaise Haemorrhagic mediastinitis (apparent on radiograph) Shortness of breath, strident cough, chills Death as the bacilli spread throughout the body in high numbers

11 Treatment for anthrax Antibiotics, to be administered prophylactically after spore exposure Bacillus anthracis is susceptible to fluoroquinolones, tetracyclines, most other antibiotics Anthrax vaccine for military personnel, researchers

12 Smallpox 1977 in Somalia, the last naturally occurring case of smallpox 1980 – WHO certified the world free of smallpox Infection could spread rapidly from person-to-person, by aerosol release Prevention: vaccination with live vaccinia virus

13 Infectious period starts at the onset of fever
Within 2-4 days of fever onset, patient will develop a maculopapular rash on the mucosa of the mouth, pharynx and arms. Then spreads to the trunk and legs Pocks, or sores, mark the faces and limbs of small-pox patients. These sores give the disease its name. Source: University of Alabama at Birmingham Figure shows pocks or sores which marked faces and limbs of smallpox patients.

14 Conclusion Terrorists might favour biological weapons than nuclear or chemical ones, for mass destruction because; bioweapons are easy to obtain bioweapons are cheap to produce in large quantities bioweapons are highly effective in creating human morbidity and panic


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