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HART RESEARCH A S O T E C I AAC&U Members On Trends In Learning Outcomes, General Education, and Assessment Key findings from online survey among 433 Chief.

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Presentation on theme: "HART RESEARCH A S O T E C I AAC&U Members On Trends In Learning Outcomes, General Education, and Assessment Key findings from online survey among 433 Chief."— Presentation transcript:

1 HART RESEARCH A S O T E C I AAC&U Members On Trends In Learning Outcomes, General Education, and Assessment Key findings from online survey among 433 Chief Academic Officers and other academic leaders at AAC&U member institutions Conducted November 19, 2008 – February 16, 2009 for Margin of sampling error ±4.7 percentage points

2 Profile Of The Sample Carnegie Classification: Associate’s degree
Bachelor’s degree Master’s degree Doctoral degree Other Affiliation: Public Private 8% 32% 39% 19% 2% 44% 56% Characterization of Majors: Majority major in professional/career fields Majority major in A&S fields Equally split 24% 31% 45%

3 Institutions’ Focus On Learning Outcomes

4 Nearly four in five institutions have a set of common learning outcomes for all undergraduates.
Does your institution have a common set of intended learning goals or outcomes that apply to ALL undergrad-uate students? Have common learning outcomes that apply to all undergraduates NO common learning goals/outcomes for undergraduates Apply to ENTIRE undergraduate experience, including majors Some apply to entire undergraduate experience, others apply mainly to general education requirements Apply only to general education requirements 26% 34% 18%

5 Nearly four in five institutions have a set of common learning outcomes for all undergraduates.
Which of the following statements best describes your institution’s learning outcomes for undergraduate learning? Some apply to enitre experience; others mainly to gen end Only apply to general education requirements Apply to entire undergrad experience Have learning outcomes for all students All Members Carnegie Classification: Bachelor’s degree Master’s degree Doctoral degree/res Affiliation: Public Private 78% 79% 80% 70% 80% 76% 18% 12% 22% 18% 21% 14% 26% 30% 25% 21% 20% 32% 34% 37% 33% 31% 39% 30%

6 Nearly all institutions have specified learning outcomes within at least some departments.
Have specific departments, schools, or majors at your in-stitution spelled out intended learning goals or outcomes applicable to their students? ALL have 66% 66% 55% 66% 64% SOME have 30% 33% 41% 33% 33% NONE has ALL have learning outcomes Carnegie Classification: Bachelor’s degree Master’s degree Doctoral degree/res Affiliation: Public Independent/religious SOME have learning outcomes

7 Goals/Outcomes for All Students’ College Learning
Among all academic officers (with and without campus-wide goals), percent saying their institution has a learning goal or outcome addressing each area of knowledge/intellectual skills & ability Areas of Knowledge Intellectual Skills/Ability Humanities Science Social sciences Global/world cultures Mathematics Diversity in U.S. Technology U.S. history Languages Sustain- ability Writing skills Critical thinking Quantitative reasoning Oral communication Intercultural skills Information literacy Ethical reasoning Civic engagement Application of learning Research skills Integration of learning

8 Goals/Outcomes for All Students’ College Learning
Among respondents from campuses WITH campus-wide goals, percent saying their institution’s common set of learning goals/outcomes addresses each area of knowledge/intellectual skills & ability Areas of Knowledge Intellectual Skills/Ability Humanities Science Social sciences Global/world cultures Mathematics Diversity in U.S. Technology U.S. history Languages Sustain- ability Writing skills Critical thinking Quantitative reasoning Oral communication Intercultural skills Information literacy Ethical reasoning Civic engagement Application of learning Research skills Integration of learning 8

9 Institutions explain common learning outcomes to students in a variety of ways.
In which of these ways does your institution explain intended learning goals or outcomes to students?* Institutional catalog Course syllabi Web site Faculty advisors Orientation program Student advising system Institution’s view book First-year seminar/course 86% 74% 68% 64% 63% 62% 22% 3% * Among members at institutions with learning outcomes for all undergraduates

10 Many institutions recognize room to expand students’ understanding of common learning outcomes.
How many of your students understand your institution’s intended goals or outcomes for undergraduate learning?* Not many Almost all Majority Some * Among members at institutions with learning outcomes for all undergraduates

11 Institutions’ Assessment Of Learning Outcomes

12 More than seven in ten institutions assess student learning across the curriculum – most others are planning for assessments. Does your institution assess learning goals or outcomes across the curriculum, beyond the use of grading in individual courses? No, but we are planning for assessment of learning outcomes across the curriculum Yes, we assess learning outcomes across the curriculum No, we do not assess learning outcomes across the curriculum

13 More institutions assess at the department level than in general education.
Institution assesses in departments Institution assesses in general education across multiple courses Members at institutions that assess learning outcomes across the curriculum

14 Use Of Assessments In Departments
Does your institution assess learning goals or outcomes across the curriculum [and] does your institution assess students’ cumulative learning goals/outcomes in departments? Assess in all departments Planning to assess learning goals 72% assess across the curriculum 68% assess within departments Do not assess learning goals Do not assess in departments Assess in most departments Assess in a few departments

15 Assessment Of Field-Specific And General Outcomes Within Departments
When your departments assess cumulative learning outcomes, do they include general outcomes such as writing or critical thinking? ALL departments assess general and field-specific outcomes Planning to assess learning goals 68% assess within departments Do not assess learning goals Do not assess in departments SOME departments assess general and field-specific outcomes Departments only assess field- specific outcomes

16 Assessment In General Education.
Does your institution assess cumulative learning outcomes in general education across multiple courses? No, but we are planning for assessment of learning outcomes in general education Yes, we assess learning outcomes in general education How Assessments Conducted (multiple response accepted) Sample of students All students Through departments 36% 17% 24% No, we do not assess learning outcomes in general education

17 Types Of Assessments Used In General Education
Which of the following do you use to assess student learning outcomes in general education? 40% 37% 35% 27% 26% 23% 16% 1% 48% Rubrics applied to examples of student work Culminating or capstone projects Surveys and self-reports Locally developed common assignments in some courses Standardized national tests of general skills, such as critical thinking Locally developed examinations Standardized national tests of general knowledge, such as science or humanities Student essays/writing portfolios My institution doesn’t assess outcomes in general education

18 Capstone projects are utilized much more within departments than in general education.
Characterization of Capstone or Culminating Projects/Experiences at Members’ Institutions In General Education: Required of all students Offered, not required Don’t use capstones In Departments: Required of all/ most students Many departments require Some departments require Not required/don’t use capstones

19 A majority of institutions use electronic portfolios to some degree.
Institution’s Use of Electronic Portfolios 57% Used for assessments? Used for some students/ programs 54% Most used for this Some used for this Exploring option Not used for this/ don’t plan to do so 10% 32% 11% 4% 3% Almost all 5% Required of all/most Use electronic portfolios Exploring feasibility of using Don’t use, no plans to develop

20 Institutions can do more to track disparities in student achievement.
% saying each statement applies to their institution 55% 49% 36% 32% My institution tracks student achievement to determine any differences across racial and ethnic groups My institution tracks student achievement to determine any differences by gender My institution tracks student achievement to determine any differences among students from different socio-economic groups My institution tracks student achievement to determine any differences between first-generation college students and students with college-educated parents

21 Profile Of General Education

22 General Education Requirements
General education credits needed for bachelor’s degree General education credits needed for associate’s degree* More than 60 credits 51 to 60 credits 46 to 50 credits 41 to 45 credits 36 to 40 credits 31 to 35 credits 1 to 30 credits Don’t know Mean 6% 18% 10% 19% 14% 4% 9% 20% 46.6 More than 50 credits 31 to 50 credits 1 to 30 credits Don’t know Mean 5% 18% 32% 45% 33.5 *Asked of 38 respondents 14% say their institution’s general education credit requirements have increased since 2000, 14% say they have decreased, 72% say they have stayed the same.

23 Majority of institutions say general education is more of a priority.
How has general education changed as a priority for your institution in the past five years? General education has become less of a priority General education has become more of a priority Priority of general education hasn’t changed

24 Status of Institutions’ General Education Program
A majority of institutions are in the process of assessing or modifying their general education program. Status of Institutions’ General Education Program Not making revisions Conducting assessments of learning outcomes Formally reviewing program Implementing changes adopted in past five years Discussing proposals for change

25 Institutions use a variety of models for their general education programs.
Which of these features are part of your institution’s general education program? Distribution model Common intellectual experience Thematic required courses Upper-level requirements Core curriculum Learning communities No general education requirements; offer open curriculum Freshmen part of learning communities; transfer students are not 80% 41% 36% 33% 30% 24% 1% 2%

26 The majority of institutions uses a distribution model with additional integrative features.
Which of these features are part of your institution’s general education program? Other features: Common intellectual experience Thematic required courses Upper-level requirements Core curriculum Learning communities 64% 18% 15% Distribution model only Distribution model with other features One or more other features only 26

27 Areas Of Emphasis In Undergraduate Curriculum
% saying their institution is placing more emphasis on each Undergraduate research 1st year experiences support-ing transition to college Study abroad Service learning in courses Internships 1st year academic seminars Diversity studies/experiences Learning communities (courses linked by theme) Practicums/supervised fieldwork Orientations to liberal education

28 Areas Of Emphasis In Undergraduate Curriculum, By General Education Priority
% saying their institution is placing more emphasis on each At my institution, general education is: More of a priority 80% 77% 71% 74% 65% 62% 56% 58% 50% 45% Not more of a priority 77% 68% 71% 60% 59% 45% 51% 43% 44% 28% Undergraduate research 1st year experiences supporting transition to college Study abroad Service learning in courses Internships 1st year academic seminars Diversity studies/experiences Learning communities (courses linked by theme) Practicums/supervised fieldwork Orientations to liberal education

29 Curricular Patterns Of General Education Programs
% rating each as describing their general education program well* Includes global courses Includes first-year seminars Includes diversity courses Includes interdisciplinary courses Includes civic learning or engaged activities Includes service learning opportunities Includes experiential learning opportunities * ratings of 4 and 5 on a five-point scale

30 Characteristics Of General Education Programs
% rating each as describing their general education program well* Has clear learning goals Has requirements linked to goals Assesses student achievement of learning goals Has a coherent sequence of courses * ratings of 4 and 5 on a five-point scale

31 Integration Of General Education And Major Requirements.
How well integrated is your general education program with students’ major requirements? 52% % very/fairly well integrated, by general ed program features 48% Distribution model Common intellectual model Thematic required courses Upper-level requirements Core curriculum Learning communities 45% 53% 54% 55% 60% Not well 15% Very well 11% Very/fairly well integrated Somewhat/not well integrated

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