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Powerpoint Graph sheets MDG plenary sheets

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1 Powerpoint Graph sheets MDG plenary sheets
YEAR: 9 TERM:1 UNIT: Development LESSON NUMBER:19 To be able to identify why we should target water scarcity to help countries to develop Graph analysis using TEA structure Being able to reason through ranking and ordering information Patterns of water scarcity How millenium development goals help development in places Powerpoint Graph sheets MDG plenary sheets To be assessed through an evaluation of top down and bottom up approaches to development-lesson 20 Learning Input: What/where is water scarcity Hand out graphs to identify Plenary of MDG worksheets Which goal is most important Or How does goal 7 trickle the effects of development use the sheet to develop points Review TEA TEA analysis of 2 sets of data Remind the ways we can overcome this (Dams and water pumps) Show MDG video clip Demonstrate: Which goal is linked to water scarcity Write down the aims

2 Unit: Lesson: Year Group/Class:
Learning Input: Demonstrate:

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