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SSPs & HPS: Ensuring the Academic Success of all Students

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Presentation on theme: "SSPs & HPS: Ensuring the Academic Success of all Students"— Presentation transcript:

1 SSPs & HPS: Ensuring the Academic Success of all Students
Principal’s Leadership Meeting May 8, 2012 Presenter: Sonia Dinnall

2 Session Overview SSPs and the CT SDE vision SSPs and the HPS vision
Tools & Tips The Good News! Q & A Recap & Review

3 SSPs & the CT SDE Vision Public Act No. 11-135
Section 2(j) “For the school year commencing July 1, 2012, and each school year thereafter, each local and regional board of education shall create a student success plan for each student enrolled in a public school , beginning in grade six. Such student success plan shall include a student’s career and academic choices in grades six to twelve, inclusive.”

4 Purpose of the Student Success Plan
Prepares students for postsecondary education, life, and careers competition in a dynamic global economy Provides students opportunity to design their own future with the support of critical adults and innovative school policies opportunity to know and understand self in a positive learning environment

5 3 Core Components of SSP l. Academic Development ll. Career Development lll. Social, Emotional & Physical Development

6 3 SSP Components: I. Academic Development
Specific Model Criteria Rigorous Courses Linked to Interests, Skills & Career Pathways Courses For The Attainment of Education &/or Career Goals Successful Completion of Portfolio/Capstone Project Support & Assessment of Student Progress With Mentor/Advisor Timely Intervention & Student Support

7 3 SSP Components: II. Career Development
Specific Model Criteria Interest and Ability Inventories Career Exploration and Interest/Career Courses Post Secondary Education and Career Pathway Development

8 3 SSP Components: III. Social, Emotional & Physical Development
Specific Model Criteria Self-Regulation and Resiliency Positive Peer Relationships Broadened Awareness of Self Within A Global Context Healthy and Safe Life Skills/Choices

9 SSPs & HPS vision Encourages a student – centered approach
Aligns with Goal #2 & #3 of SOP Includes Hartford Promise Aligns with CT SDE model Provides free access to electronic tool Supports customization of implementation Focuses on the artifacts


11 What the SSP is not! The sole responsibility of school counselors or social workers Only necessary for students who are not meeting age and/or grade level expectations A plan developed for students An electronic system A plan to begin in grade 6 with a gradual role out A plan that tracks students into a career path An inflexible career track A plan that requires an electronic system

12 Tools & Tips Connect EDU Develop an SSP Implementation Team
Create Staff buy-in Assess current condition (i.e. artifacts currently utilize) Determine needs (i.e. tools, resources) Develop implementation plan including resources and delivery method Input & suggestions (TODAY) Connect EDU demo 1:00 p.m.)

13 The Good News! HPS SSP artifacts were selected based on what schools are currently using Students can “start where they are” Electronic tool is free & data has been uploaded CT SDE Mini grant pending

14 Thank you!

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