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1 Note: Please view in slide show mode
Usually found bottom right of screen This power point has animation effects and will not display properly unless viewed in slide mode. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you Salome Tanuvasa Schools Education Manager Te Tuhi Learning Experiences Outside the Classroom Ph: ext 7703

2 Welcome Thank you for using this pre-visit resource.
We believe this will help strengthen student learning leading up to and during your gallery visit.

3 Te Tuhi pre visit: Lesson 2
NOW LOADING… Te Tuhi pre visit: Lesson 2

4 During this lesson we will explore… How to make something Abstract
Welcome to now loading But before we start, let’s recap on what we learnt during our last lesson… During this lesson we will explore… How to make something Abstract Image:

5 During our last lesson we learnt that Abstract painting…
combines line, shape, colour and overlaying to help disguise objects and show them in a different light. During our last lesson we learnt that Abstract painting… can be inspired by objects in shape, colour and size just like Matt Henry’s paintings. started because abstract painters wanted to show the world in a different way.

6 Let’s start this lesson by learning how to make something abstract…

7 Abstract Painting In the last lesson we learnt that abstract painting can use colour and shape to show the world in a different way. We learnt that colour and shape can help show our environment and the objects we may use. Lets focus on shapes for now and think about the kinds of shapes we know.

8 cone circle rectangle hexagon Oval cylinder square
triangle octagon hexagon circle diamond Oval cylinder cube cone rectangle square Let’s name some of these shapes… Here are some shapes you may know…

9 cone circle rectangle hexagon Oval cylinder square triangle octagon
diamond Oval cylinder cube cone rectangle square Many of these shapes can reflect and remind us of things such as…

10 One way to create an abstract painting is to think about…
The kind of curves and shapes we see on the object. What colours we can use to describe the object. Colour for some objects can be a key feature to its design. Its size compared with other objects. All objects are made for a purpose whether they are big or small. Let’s start by thinking about this smartphone…

11 Think about ways you can disguise the smart phone by adding colour and taking away one shape.
We want to focus on using the basic shapes to create an outline drawing. What basic shapes can we see in this smart phone?

12 Now to disguise by adding colour and taking away one shape.
Here we have a laptop. To create an abstract painting of this let’s find some basic shapes to create an outline drawing. Now to disguise by adding colour and taking away one shape. Image: Image:

13 Now to disguise by adding colour and taking away one shape.
Here we have a PSVITA. To create an abstract painting of this let’s find some basic shapes to create an outline drawing. Now to disguise by adding colour and taking away one shape. Image:

14 Abstract Painting To abstract these objects we had to think about:
The kind of curves and shapes we see on the object. What colours we can use to describe the object. Its size compared with other objects.

15 Abstract: Activity Now that we have learnt one way to abstract something, let’s try 3 new objects to abstract. Remember to look for basic shapes on the object. Start with outlines only and then pick colours to describe the object. Think about its size and compare it with other drawings you have done.

16 Now that we know about how to abstract something…
Let’s recap on what we have learnt so far…

17 So what have we learnt so far?
To make something Abstract… can include thinking about the many things in the world that have basic shapes. like an object, we can carefully look for basic shapes the object has. rectangle we can use colour to help describe an object. Colour can often be a feature. can show an object in a very different way.

18 In the next lesson we will explore “the kinds of technology people use”
End of lesson End of lesson.

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