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Sub-Group “Agriculture and Environment”

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1 Sub-Group “Agriculture and Environment”
10.2 A new survey on pesticides usage statistics derived from manufacturers data ? Christian Heidorn, Eurostat F3 Meeting of the Sub-Group “Agriculture and Environment” of the Agricultural Statistics Committee and the “Environment and sustainable development” Joint Eurostat/EFTA Working Party Meeting of 29 and 30 October 2003

2 Background 19 May Workshop Survey based on pesticides usage data provided by ECPA member companies; published as Eurostat report ‘Detailed Tables, 2002’; EU wide data ( ) in a harmonised form, however: Comparison studies from Sweden, United Kingdom and The Netherlands showed significant differences of ECPA data to national survey results in all three countries; Conclusion: before we agree on a new contract, it shall be examined if major improvements can be made.

3 Follow - up Meeting of Member States and Eurostat with ECPA companies
(8 October 2003) 2 Countries, 7 Companies and Eurostat participated; After presentations and discussion, “Action Points” were agreed: 1) Companies to check if they will be in a position to provide data for 2003 in next round; 2) ECPA to consider ways of ensuring proper coverage of generic compounds; 3) Better communication among the companies: Guidance for data delivery to “Trustee”;

4 Follow - up (2) Meeting of Member States and Eurostat with ECPA companies 4) ECPA to update list of Active Ingredients for which data to be collected; 5) Methodology: ECPA to provide full documentation and explanation of the methodology used; 6) Enlargement: Questionnaire for companies to provide details on the data that can be provided in the new Member States; 7) Eurostat to provide a short summary of expectations from the project.

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