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Presentation on theme: "Welcome."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome

2 Reminders Turkeys in Disguise/share Checking Homework Folders
Thanksgiving Feast Return Feast items, if out of town please be sure to let me know so I can plan accordingly Half Day Friday – Fun Run / Food trucks No school Monday

3 Conference Sign ups Please be on time and respect the time limit.
If more time is needed, we can set another conference, but I need to respect the time of others and can not go over the allotted time. If you are more than 5 minutes late and the next person is there, I will move on. If no time slots work for you, please contact me.

4 Report Cards Not Every Standard is being assessed
Goal is for 3 (approaching) or 4 (met) Citizenship C: Consistently S: Some of the time A/C: Area of concern **because we assess less the first trimester- there is a chance of the grades dropping when we assess more later **

5 MATH in Focus Where we are at Sample Thinking Cap Problem
Name some strategies – Counting on, counting back, doubles, doubles plus one or minus one, Take away, fact families, number bonds, also memorization

6 Other Math Practice Number Talks 100s board CGI Math Centers and Games

7 Math Instruction Concrete - manipulatives – hands on
Pictoral – pictures, models, and diagrams – visual practice Abstract – numerals, math notations, and symbols to represent – practice problems and stories

8 Developmental Continuum
Build on kindergarten counting, sorting, and number sense Basic Facts Place Value Mental Math Geometry concepts Numbers to 10 Number Patterns Comparing Numbers Number Bonds Ways to Add / Subtract Addition / Subtraction Stories Fact Families

9 Second Half Continuum Solid and Plane Shapes and Patterns
Making Shapes Ordinal Numbers and Positional words Numbers to 20 and 40 and 120 Place Value Comparing larger numbers Weight / Length in units Picture and Bar Graphs Mental Math Strategies Calendar and Time to the hour and half hour Addition and Subtraction with and without regrouping

10 How To Work In Small Groups

11 Your role as the leader To have each child feel as though he/she has
contributed something special To follow teacher directive To keep children focused To handle disruptions effectively To allow children to ask their questions and have them answered To make learning fun and yet maintain structure

12 Set the Expectations Good Morning 1st graders!
Today we are going to be working on ____________ This is the way our group will work …Books down ….Pencils down (explain the rotation) Eyes up on me and ears listening

13 Reading Rotations 1. We are taking turns reading the story
Be sure to follow along with your finger as We are reading (Some groups silent) 2. When monitoring: -check seatwork -kids separate, focusing and finishing -you answer questions

14 Math Rotations Group leader: -Directions -Assisting when stuck
-Checking if time Monitoring centers One center only Playing the game appropriately

15 Don’t Be Afraid to Say “STOP” or “NO”
When children are not listening, you may need to be more firm.  It isn’t fun to be firm, but the overall instruction that takes place will be MUCH better when you notice children are listening

16 Shh, Don’t Tell the Answer
You are working as a facilitator to guide the instruction and learning process. Please help the children to discover the answer on their own. You may give helpful clues.

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