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Lee Kai Yiu Eric. Lee Kai Yiu Eric Contrast of our Past and Present Lee Kai Yiu Eric “高”樓大廈 - 由昨日的6層演變到今日的60層,明日的“高”樓大廈。

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Presentation on theme: "Lee Kai Yiu Eric. Lee Kai Yiu Eric Contrast of our Past and Present Lee Kai Yiu Eric “高”樓大廈 - 由昨日的6層演變到今日的60層,明日的“高”樓大廈。"— Presentation transcript:


2 Lee Kai Yiu Eric

3 Contrast of our Past and Present
Lee Kai Yiu Eric “高”樓大廈 - 由昨日的6層演變到今日的60層,明日的“高”樓大廈。

4 Lee Sai Kit Jacky

5 Rehabilitation and Reoccurrence
Lee Sai Kit Jacky “Langham Place, situated at the central area in Mongkok, is now changing the district by its landmark. The redevelopment project took more than 10 years to complete, from inception stage, design stage, land acquisition stage and construction stage. It is one of the recent rehabilitation projects changing the city lives of HK."

6 Wong Kin Yip

7 New Life and New Mission
Wong Kin Yip 橋樑連接東涌與馬灣 – 這兩個揉合現代建築樓宇與舊村落的地方

8 Lee Sai Kit Jacky

9 Unforgettable History
Lee Sai Kit Jacky "On 3rd June 2006, the lights of the clock tower vanished from the Star Ferry Pier at Central, denoting the commencement of demolition of the Pier. The Pier, connecting people between the HK side and the Kowloon side, was used for more than a century, has become an unforgettable history in their busy lives."

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